Question for the guys

Choirgirl37 Posts: 255
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
Lets say you are a guy and your goal is to lose 100lbs, mainly from your stomach. You also have a goal to build muscle. In terms of exercise, what is the best plan?


  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I would say 3-4 cardio per week (20-30 min each) and 4-5 weight training a week. This does mean that he'll be doing both some days. Just make sure to alternate muscle groups' days on the weights. My husband likes to do upper body one day, lower body the next. Some guys like to do arms one day, chest/back the next, then legs the third. Try to hit each muscle group twice a week, but it is essential to have a day in between for that muscle group to rest. Also don't neglect core/abs. Most muscles in the abs are fast twitch and can be worked every day as long as they don't ache.
    This, accompanied by a reduced calorie diet, should give nice results for trimming fat (belly and elsewhere) and toning nicely.
  • Hernandezedw
    Hernandezedw Posts: 284
    Weights first, cardio second. Same day. That's my plan anyway.
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    It's VERY difficult to build muscle and lose fat at the same time, because to lose fat you have to be in a calorie deficit. In my opinion, the best course of action in this case is to alternate weight training and cardio 3x each per week. Day 1 weights, day 2 cardio, day 3 weights, and so on, with a rest day on the 7th day of each week. All the while operate in a calorie deficit of 500-1000 calories per day. With 100 pounds to lose, a person can get away with a 1000/day deficit for a while, but as the weight drops, that person will probably have to decrease the deficit over time to help prevent plateaus and the slowing of the metabolism.

    The cardio will obviously burn calories and fat. The weight training will do multiple things... 1) It will help you retain as much of your lean muscle mass as possible while in a calorie deficit losing fat. 2) It will help you burn MORE fat throughout the day, because muscle is active tissue and helps in fat burning. 3) It will shape and strengthen the muscle hiding underneath the fat, so when the fat is burned away it will reveal the muscle tone.
  • Eli06
    Eli06 Posts: 5
    I dropped about 20 lbs in a month ( Im at my ideal weight for 3 months, still trimming up) I think cutting back on salty food, drinking lots of water, and pounding out 15 minutes on the elliptical ( it was soooo awkward at first, but I pushed through!) before and after a upper body workout. I started with chest press & vertical traction cable machines, arm curls with free weights, I dont know the name for it but I used free weights ( started at 15 lbs) starting with the weights at my side raised my arms out to the sides as high as I could, slowly lowered back to start, sets of 12, 8, 4 starting of with light wieghts at 12, moving up for 8, and higher for 4. Im lucky that I put on muscle tone very easy when I work on it, but if I drop my guard I pork back up! I saw a big change with about 6 wks of this, hope it helps !
  • brianlocal3
    brianlocal3 Posts: 33 Member
    You stole my thunder MNM lol. But seriously, that's what I would do. I would do HIIT cardio myself. Buy the body for life book, it's amazing and an eye opener. Very very attainable system and it is written for us "every day" folks.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    Body for life is a good place to start. has some good routines, and nutrition plans as well, Just be careful, because they are trying to sell their supplements, which can cost a lot of money. I have done my whole weightloss routine without supplements this time, except for an occasional multivitamin, fish oil, and protein powder.
  • Choirgirl37
    Choirgirl37 Posts: 255
    Wow!! I got some excellent information from you all. Both the husband, and myself are very appreciative. Thanks a billion!
  • brianlocal3
    brianlocal3 Posts: 33 Member
    Body for life is a good place to start. has some good routines, and nutrition plans as well, Just be careful, because they are trying to sell their supplements, which can cost a lot of money. I have done my whole weightloss routine without supplements this time, except for an occasional multivitamin, fish oil, and protein powder.

    Dave brought up a good point i forgot to add. the supps are very expensive and highly unnesasary if you are just looking for weight loss and muscle retention without looking for high sport demand. take in all you need with a solid foundation on healthy eating and get your body moving is the simpilist of formulas. Also i would HIGHLY recomment trying to consume .75- 1 gram of protien per LB of bodyweigth to help limit muscle loss. i am just really maintaining and i do 1 gram per pound. Also, if you can stomache it protien powder can be your best friend. Unfortuanatly i grew up with a Chef for a mother so bland, funky tasting stuff does not sit well with my palate. So i use egg whites and tuna as my extra protein. Only 100 cals in a CAN of tuna with 20 grams protien.
    Good luck
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