Understanding Calorie Intake

Hi there! I'm quite new here and have only been lurking. I'm quite curious about something- but first, I'll attempt to explain my situation.

When I first went to High School, I gained (what some of you might be familiar with) the "Freshman Fifteen." I went from 101 lbs to 115 lbs quite easily, and out of nowhere. By my Junior year, I was freaking out that I had reached 135 lbs, but I accounted most of it as muscle, as (at the time) I was doing strength training. However, it was a big number to see. Senior year, I was down to 125 lbs. Likely because I quit doing so much strength training, as I still looked the same, just less fit, I suppose.

Anyway, once I got out of High School, that's when the weight fell off. I'm 5'2 1/2", 19 years old, and now weigh 99 lbs (last weighed on Easter). My eating habits, while I -do- eat pretty healthy, I'm aware that I may not be eating enough. I would take in 700-800 calories daily, and am currently trying to slowly up that to 850-950. I'm extremely paranoid about gaining weight, and am now literally terrified of passing 1,000 calories. Unreasonable? I know. I'm trying.

However, I used to eat two meals a day with only one snack. I understand that I've probably ruined my metabolism (especially since I already have thyroid problems). I've been 99 lbs for months now, it seems the weight loss has plateaued and I may have entered what is known as "Starvation Mode." Now, my question is... Well, I've very much changed how I eat. Still twice a day, but with a tons more snacking throughout the day, keeping myself satisfied. The problem is, this healthy snacking is still keeping me around the same amount of calories, and I don't think I could force myself to eat anymore. Is this okay? I'm eating the same amount of calories, but more often- would this help to boost my metabolism back up?

I've noticed that from a week or two of doing this, I get to snack whenever I slightly feel hungry, and I -do- feel hungry a bit more often now. Am I right in thinking that, despite eating the (almost) same amount of calories, I'm getting my metabolism back in shape? I'm trying to get over whatever funk I was in, but at a slow pace.

Sorry this is so long. Thank you for any help!

Edit: I should mention, I am not, not, not trying to lose weight. Just maintain. Although, I don't know how many calories I can consume without gaining. I know one should never fall below 1200, however with my thyroid issues, Hypothyroidism is prone to weight gain. I'm always keeping that in mind.