Need some food tips

I work in various houses all day and physical work too, I don't really have lunch breaks just eat on way to next house, I tend to get really bad heart burn when I eat something like a sandwich and then work before it is digested I can't eat salad while driving( I know you'll say make a lunch break ) But I can't fit everything in If I stop for lunch and my clients are already set with regular times. But i've been having a fibre bar or nuts ....and then starving around 4pm when I finish. Any Ideas?


  • beckusjane
    beckusjane Posts: 112
    My suggestion would be to pack a small lunch bag and put an ice bag into it. Then you can pack all kinds of fruits and veggies. If you want pretzels or crackers, then you can always prepackage those yourself to make it the right serving size. Drinking plenty of water helps when hunger strikes and you want to just quickly run through a drivethru.
  • kittybitz79
    kittybitz79 Posts: 213
    I agree with beck. Asked my hubby for some suggestions, he drives for a living and he has little to no time to stop to eat:

    Applesauce (he tells me he drinks it like water) , Fruit strips (we get the kind from target that is all natural), pack cubes of meat and cheese (he just opens the container and eats them) no bread, crackers, V8 fusion light (1 serving fruit and veg 80 cal)

    He also swears by gum. Puts a piece in his mouth in the morning and then after he has lunch. Curbs his cravings til he gets home.
  • Greenisis
    Greenisis Posts: 5
    Thankyou, some great tips there will try this week after a little slip. !