I actually, kind of..really. hate. water.



  • Robyn405
    Robyn405 Posts: 48
    I prefer to use natural additives if I put anything into my water. I have an infusion pitcher that I can slice fruit or even cucumbers into the center. I also sometimes like a capful of braggs apple cider vinegar, but I realize that is definitely an acquired taste. My fav is a bit of crush mint in icy cold water. You can get a mint plant for under $5 and if you aren't too zealous it will last a really long time and flourish well in a kitchen window.

    Im loving that idea. I never thought to put mint into my water, and I do have a mint plant that ive just been picking a little for garnish. Thanks!!
  • gimedatnow
    gimedatnow Posts: 173 Member
    I really love Propel fitness water and carbonated water (no flavoring -- it's great for your digestion too!). The aspartame in Crystal Light always gives me the worst headaches.

    I also like drinking really hot water plain. It warms me up and keeps me alert in the morning, sans the caffeine in tea or coffee. :)
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I use to never drink water due to my hatred as well but a few years back I cut out sodas completely and went strictly water. 1 I dropped a ton of weight and 2 my day is incomplete if i havent had my intake of water now. I, like you have to have it VERY cold which is also better for burning calories cuz your body has to heat it up. Normally I simply drink plain but like others love the crystal light packets especially strawberry, fruit punch and white grape. Of course you can do lemon and I saw on a movie once someone placed cucumber in their water.

    The Other Guys? I just watched it last weekend and they drank it :)
  • Robyn405
    Robyn405 Posts: 48
    I use to never drink water due to my hatred as well but a few years back I cut out sodas completely and went strictly water. 1 I dropped a ton of weight and 2 my day is incomplete if i havent had my intake of water now. I, like you have to have it VERY cold which is also better for burning calories cuz your body has to heat it up. Normally I simply drink plain but like others love the crystal light packets especially strawberry, fruit punch and white grape. Of course you can do lemon and I saw on a movie once someone placed cucumber in their water.

    The Other Guys? I just watched it last weekend and they drank it :)

    I just watched that today, her post reminded me of that too, lol
  • lovingbears2
    lovingbears2 Posts: 73 Member
    I used to not drink water, but now I HAVE to have it!! It seems like the more you drink it , the more you start to want it, and even crave it! I found that besides squeezing lemon into my ice water, I prefer lime squeezed in, or both lemon and lime, and also I will add to a very large (32oz) Aladdin insulated cup 1/4 cup of grape juice, and sometimes 1/4 cup of grape juice and a squirt of lime together! It gives it just enough flavor, is a WHOLE lot cheaper than the "flavored" bottled waters, and I can change it out to other flavors if I choose. I , too, get migraines from aspartame, so avoid artificial sweeteners, and the blue agave, truvia, etc just taste too artificial to me. If I add Welch's grape juice and the lime I can down the 32 oz cup very quickly so have no problem getting my water in daily. Also the grape juice has possible health properties, so I'm pretty happy with that and working it into my snack calories.

    Best of luck to you!:drinker:
  • jljennbunny
    jljennbunny Posts: 21
    I am okay in the water department now. I used to NEVER drink water, but now I actually like it. I do not flavor mine. I cannot use anything with artificial sweeteners as it causes me a lot of problems....including migraines. Plus the article I read said it actually hinders weight loss.....

    I like the XXX Vitamin water as well.....but again I cannot drink the 0 calorie one...just the regular one.
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    Mio, crystal light.... I put a little bit of lemon juice into mine. I'm nit a water fan either. I find it easier to drink in a sports bottle!