I'm new and need your support

Hi everyone. I have being one one weight program after another and so far nothing has worked I blame it on lack of and lack of support and the fact that I just don't have it in me right now.....but I am trying my hardest.

I am looking for "friends" who will push me and keep me in line and I will do the same. Thanks in advance.


  • kristidann
    kristidann Posts: 42
    Feel free to add me! Also, I just joined a battle of the bulge that starts on monday...seems like a really fun group of people if you are interested check it out!
  • Ziggie13
    Ziggie13 Posts: 248

    I just signed up. I am looking for help to push me. I have been fighting this weight most of my life now its time to moving. Please help.
  • kristidann
    kristidann Posts: 42
    ooh, yeah it's under the motivation and support message board. :happy:
  • Jpryce
    Jpryce Posts: 6 Member
    I'm trying this new calorie counter hoping it will finally help shed those pounds! I need all the motivation i can get. :)
  • Jpryce
    Jpryce Posts: 6 Member
    Keep up the good work!
  • owengem
    owengem Posts: 131 Member
    Welcome and good luck
    You are in the right place for help and support. Have a look thru the forum posts and add people who seem supportive and the kind of people who you believe will support you thru your journey.

    You will definitely be more successful with a strong support network around you and MFP is the place to find that

    It works if you work it
    Gem x