Best Workout Videos



  • km_jenn
    km_jenn Posts: 107
    I would recommend P90X for resistance & body composition change, although you can do it with bands, to get the best from it you need weights & a pull up bar - it is a very comprehensive program, with elements of cardio, yoga & stretching. The "days" usually run to around 60mins give or take a couple of minutes either way.

    TurboFire is fast & furious BUT mostly fun cardio, the discs have innumerable options, from short fast w/outs upto combination of w/outs, I can't emphasise enough the aims & methods used are a lot like Insanity BUT with fun thrown in for free :)

    Insanity is a lot of football drills & jumping, a dedicated following BUT I really can't see why, the discs run to just under an hour, are really tough but IMO boring & repetitive :(

    An all round great is RushFit, an MMA inspired w/out with great pedigree. It is 5 x 5 rounds with a minute rest in between. Seven discs that run at 45 mins each. Circuit training with mostly bodyweight & a few light weights used, really tough & great fun.

    All times include warm ups & cooldowns.

    ^^ Agree with all. Rush Fit is my most recent favorite! Also, Tapout XT. Very similar, but more DVDs and variation. I would recommend Rushfit first.

    I agree completely with the Insanity hype being overrated. I have much respect for those who love, but far too repetitive for me. I also could never go a full 60 days without weights. Although there is some resistance, it gets old quick. I sent mine back right before the 30 day cut off.

    I just started Jillian Michael's 90 day Revolution. A few weeks in, and loving it. The workouts are all 30 minutes, but you can add in additional Cardio, which I do daily. There is a 30 minute cardio DVD for each Phase.