Plodding On

jacks60 Posts: 16 Member
Hi. My name is Jackie and I live in Dartford. I am mostly following the Dukan diet. I say mostly because I have had the odd blip. Not through lack of willpower but by being in situations where it has been impossible to follow the strict regime. I love the food generally and if I was in complete control of every meal I had I would be able to do it without faltering. There has been a couple of occassions when I have been out or at friends for meals and Dukan friendly food has not been on offer. My OH has an elderly aunt who sometimes invites us for Sunday dinner and there is no way I can tell an 89 year old lady who has slaved all morning cooking us a conventional roast and pudding that I can only have certain bits of it. I would rather gain a pound that week than deal with the guilt I would feel. I started ar 13st 8lb on 5th April and I am now 12st 8lb so that is a stone gone [ maybe more tomorrow as I weigh myself on Monday} I know my biggest downfalls are not enough excercise and not drinking enough water so they are my current goals. I have taken to dancing around the room to the radio as I quite enjoy that. I've tried gyms, excercise classes, swimming, DVD's, WII fit but they have all been 5 minute wonders - I just don't enjoy exercise even in the comfort of my own home. I stumbled across this site a couple of days ago and have thoroughly enjoyed reading through it and doing my food diary. I've learnt a lot. I am going to carry on with Dukan as I think it suits me 95% of the time. I am off on holiday to Cornwall in 3 weeks so may well stray then but will have a determined effort to lose a bit more before I go
Take Care