A carb controlled diet



  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Everyone's body is different and responds differently to carbs/proteins, etc. What works for one person doesn't work for everyone else and it's very pompous to say something is wrong because you don't do it.

    I have tried VERY hard to have a "balanced" diet and stay within my calories, low fat blah blah blah. I was exercising an hour a day and it took me 4 months to lose 6 pounds.

    I switched over to a lower carb diet (i keep my carbs between 50-100 grams a day) and I've lost 7 pounds in a couple weeks and I am continuing to lose daily.

    I eat my fruits and veggies every day and I just watch out for things that are high on the glycemic index and stay away from those.

    It's been working well for me. It really pisses me off when people get down on others for doing what works for them. Who made you god? :wink:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Iceprincessk25 who are you refering too.? i am on the Paleo diet now and loving it. I join the No Grain No Pain thread Fantastic thread. and group. i am eatong like you only I am going for 100 grams carbs a day for startin off And will try to lower that some more.. this is my first week and it is hard for me to adjust to fat is OK.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Iceprincessk25 who are you refering too.? i am on the Paleo diet now and loving it. I join the No Grain No Pain thread Fantastic thread. and group. i am eatong like you only I am going for 100 grams carbs a day for startin off And will try to lower that some more.. this is my first week and it is hard for me to adjust to fat is OK.

    I am glad to see its working for you!! I am glad that I found the Primal / Paleo diet last year, but didn't get serious with it until this year.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Cora, There is alot I don't understand about this yet. I got the everyday paleo book and she is saying we can have most fruit. I thought we were to stick to berries. Also. Do we need to count calories. I am keeping my food chart so I can keep aan eye on my carbs and do we need to used the net carbs. amy is doing fantasic on it. She is looking so good. So proud of her. I am trying tp leave all of my learning on other diets. I can not eat as much protein as some of you on account of my kidney failure I am eating two eggs every morning to keep my
    energy up but I really rather have cereal and milk. and fruit. i don't like to cook.
    well it is time to cook. dinner. not much a baked apple and some squash.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Oh yes one mor thing I don't seems to be gettin much Fiber now. The apple will help.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Marie -

    Read this article about a high fat, low carb eating plan and being able to heal the kidneys from kidney failure............
    High-fat, low-carb diet may reverse kidney failure: study

    Wed Apr 20, 5:10 pm ET


    WASHINGTON (AFP) – Kidney failure is a main complication of diabetes, but a lab study on mice showed that a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet could reverse that in eight weeks, US researchers said Wednesday.

    The extreme food plan is known as a ketogenic diet and is often used to treat children with drug-resistant epilepsy. It starves the body of carbs and sugars, thereby tricking the body into burning fat for fuel instead of glucose.

    The diet is so restrictive it must be devised with an expert's help. Meal options may include scrambled eggs with cream, a bacon and butter omelet, or lettuce doused in mayonnaise.

    Doctors theorized the diet might work for diabetics by blocking the toxic effects of glucose, a simple sugar made as the body metabolizes food but that can become harmful in diabetics who lack enough insulin to regulate it.

    So the team at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York took two groups of mice that were genetically predisposed to having Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Half were fed a standard, high-carb diet while the other half received a ketogenic diet.

    After eight weeks, kidney failure was reversed in the ketogenic-fed mice, said the study published in the open-access journal PLoS ONE.

    "Our study is the first to show that a dietary intervention alone is enough to reverse this serious complication of diabetes," said lead author Charles Mobbs at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine.

    "This finding has significant implications for the tens of thousands of Americans diagnosed with diabetic kidney failure, and possibly other complications, each year."

    According to the National Institutes of Health, 24 million people in the United States have diabetes, and close to 180,000 people are living with kidney failure linked to their diabetes.

    Mobbs said the diet is not likely to be suitable as a long-term fix in humans, but said the findings indicate even as little as a month on the regime could be enough to "reset" the body and avoid kidney failure.

    Mobbs said the findings should "help us identify a drug target and subsequent pharmacological interventions that mimic the effect of the diet."

    His team is planning more studies to explore the ketogenic diet's impact on other neurological diseases such as retinopathy which causes loss of sight

  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Oh yes one mor thing I don't seems to be gettin much Fiber now. The apple will help.

    The fiber you need will come from your fruits and veggies. The fat is important to keep things moving along..........
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Cora, There is alot I don't understand about this yet. I got the everyday paleo book and she is saying we can have most fruit. I thought we were to stick to berries. Also. Do we need to count calories. I am keeping my food chart so I can keep aan eye on my carbs and do we need to used the net carbs. amy is doing fantasic on it. She is looking so good. So proud of her. I am trying tp leave all of my learning on other diets. I can not eat as much protein as some of you on account of my kidney failure I am eating two eggs every morning to keep my
    energy up but I really rather have cereal and milk. and fruit. i don't like to cook.
    well it is time to cook. dinner. not much a baked apple and some squash.

    Yes, I eat pretty much any and all fruit. I restrict to 1 or 2 servings a day. I try to eat mostly vegetables and not as much fruit. I do tend to eat a lot of berries, pineapple, grapefruit and apples.

    No, we don't need to count calories, just keep your ratios for protein, fat and carbs in check..... I don't do net carbs, easier just to look at how many carbs total.

    Unless you eat a lot of salads, yes there is some cooking to do because our food comes uncooked and natural.......

    Fiber is not as important as they try to tell us it is.................I will find those studies and post them for you to read.
  • humglum
    humglum Posts: 98 Member
    Cora, There is alot I don't understand about this yet. I got the everyday paleo book and she is saying we can have most fruit. I thought we were to stick to berries. Also. Do we need to count calories. I am keeping my food chart so I can keep aan eye on my carbs and do we need to used the net carbs. amy is doing fantasic on it. She is looking so good. So proud of her. I am trying tp leave all of my learning on other diets. I can not eat as much protein as some of you on account of my kidney failure I am eating two eggs every morning to keep my
    energy up but I really rather have cereal and milk. and fruit. i don't like to cook.
    well it is time to cook. dinner. not much a baked apple and some squash.

    If you have kidney failure please be cognizant of the amount of phosphorus you're eating. You have different dietary requirements than those of us with normal, healthy kidneys. Are you on dialysis? Because that is a whole other can of worms with dietary and fluid restrictions. Please don't let the desire to lose weight overshadow your kidney disease.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    If anyone is interested in books for Kindle (you can read it on your PC or smart phone too).............the free kindle application can be downloaded and installed from Amazon.com

    I recently got 2 free e-books that might interest some or all of you..........

    Biological Aging Theory (based on evolution) -- This one is Free right now...........
    Rx Garden: 101 Food Cures You Can Easily Grow
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Iceprincessk25 who are you refering too.? i am on the Paleo diet now and loving it. I join the No Grain No Pain thread Fantastic thread. and group. i am eatong like you only I am going for 100 grams carbs a day for startin off And will try to lower that some more.. this is my first week and it is hard for me to adjust to fat is OK.

    I was referring to the people who jump down other peoples throats because they don't do as they do.

    I thought it was going to be really hard but it gets easier and easier. I took before and after pics of when I started and yesterday and there is already a fairly good difference. I'm pleased. I still eat beans because I love them even though it's not primal. I started off doing the southbeach diet and have been making it up as I go. I just try to stay between 50-100 grams a day based off the carbohydrate curve graph in the primal blueprint book.

    I feel better.....and the IBS I used to have pretty much daily is like non existent.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    iceprincess, Good to see you back. So far I am doing fine on this plan. It has help my blood sugar. a lot already. Have you lost all the weight you want to lose? Sleeping better.So maybe other good things will happen too.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    iceprincess, Good to see you back. So far I am doing fine on this plan. It has help my blood sugar. a lot already. Have you lost all the weight you want to lose? Sleeping better.So maybe other good things will happen too.

    No, I have about 10 more pounds to go till I hit my goal. I haven't started working out yet cuz I've been so busy with school but this is finals week so I will start up next week.