diet help

emmap123b Posts: 17
edited September 27 in Food and Nutrition
i have been following a low carb diet but still not seeing results with my tummy want a totally flat toned tum im 5ft 5 and about 8 st 11 at the min im eating 1600 cals i cycle to work everyday 20 mins there 20 mins back i train 5 to 6 times a week which consists of boot camps (60mins) and circuit classes (45 mins) i think to see my abs im going to have to drop cals im thinking to 1400 a day i enjoy my oats on a morning but really want this to be the only carbs i have can any one suggest a high protien diet to me one that will give me the toned tum i want x


  • deisha
    deisha Posts: 122 Member
    Hi Emma have you tried protein shakes? They have very low carbs and high protein in them.
  • emmap123b
    emmap123b Posts: 17
    yeah been taking then for past 6 month my partner seems to think im better off eating food as a source of protien but u get bored of chicken and tuna lol x
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