Cheat meals: The low down



  • ProudMomoftwo
    ProudMomoftwo Posts: 525
    Not "cheating" and not seeing this as a diet but a life-change is also working for me.
    I know...I know ...everyone is different and kudos to you if what ever you are doing is working for you.
    I eat in moderation whatever I work my butt off to get in that day.
    I don't deny myself b/c I am trying to have a totally different relationships and respect with food and yes...I admit it, I was an emotional eater and have issues to come to terms with.
    This isn't JUST about food and cals and exercise for me.
    It is the whole healthy package for me.
    I am glad you posted DeathTaco.
    If what you are doing is working for you, by all means keep doing it.
    If it is NOT working for you (at least not like you think it should) then maybe you will get the motivation you need from his post as it was intended.
  • flutterqueen04
    Thanks Forensi for your insight!! I don't want anyone to think I was putting the O.P. down. Last night I got on MPF and there seemed to be thread after thread of people saying "THIS is what you do and if you don't do it this way you won't lose" and it really was just their opinion of what was working for THEM. Most of these threads came off kind of rude or harsh as to if you aren't doing what they are doing it then you are doing it wrong and you just must not care about your weight loss progress. I'll say it again.........................weight loss is flipping HARD! There is NO 1 solution that works for everyone. Everyone has to find what works for them. I did, and what works for me is to have a "free day" and I am making great progress. In fact I lost another pound this morning and guess what yesterday was for me? That's right my "free day"! :happy: As someone stated before this is suppose to be a support site. If you find something that works for you, like the OP did for him in regards to cheating then good for him, seriously its a great accomplishment! JUST REMEMBER it worked for you, it may not work for everyone. You can, by all means, post that it worked for you and what you did and how it helped. DON'T get on here and post that because this is what worked for you there for it is FACT and if you aren't doing it then YOU are WRONG. (I am using a generalized "you" not directing it solely at this OP) I hope that made sense. Again, it just seemed like last night the threads I was reading were very condescending and high and mighty to be frank. This one just hit home to me because I am a "cheater" if that is what you want to call it and I was reading how cheating was throwing away my progress when clearly - FOR ME - it wasn't. That is the point I am trying to make.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    Well said. I think of it in terms of opportunity costs. Most days my normal diet is sufficient to meet my calorie goals, as long as I'm paying attention.

    Sure, bad days happen...sometimes poor planning, lack of resources, etc

    But I certainly dont "plan" a cheat day. I may plan to hit the treadmill for an extra 20 so that I can have steak. But again, that's just opportunity costs
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    What's a cheat meal considering the only thing a diet means is the food we eat to live. Why to people trying to lose or maintain have to make it such a complicated thought process? I had German chocolate cake on Saturday. I didn't feel like i was cheating, I wanted it. I had pizza for supper. I might of went over as i didn't bother to count. I'm sure to lose another 1.5-2 this week with the way i eat now. It's when i reach my target that i'm gonna have to figure how to raise it to maintainance weight.
  • Azzrielish
    Azzrielish Posts: 44 Member
    I'm saying instead of throwing progress to the wind by having a "no count" day, or a "cheat day" where you eat what you want "in moderation," just incorporate the calories and such of said meal into your average day.

    If you have 1/4 cup of Ben and Jerrys for example, and you FIT THAT INTO your daily calories and pro/fat/carb limits, then it's not cheating. It's just another meal, you've satisfied that craving and you don't even feel bad.

    This is what I do and it works well for me.

    There are a couple of things I 100% avoid because I know that giving in to the craving will just make the craving worse and that NOT eating it gets easier with time (thinking of potato chips here). That's just an individual trait that I know I have.

    I love tortilla chips and salsa. LOVE! So I will workout longer or harder, or if its a day where my calories are are already a little low, and weigh out an ounce of chips and work it into my day.

    Likewise with Sharon's Passion Fruit Sorbet - I measure out a cup and savour every mouthful of it.
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    Again, people, what works for some does not work for others. Having one "cheat meal" a week where I don't over analyze the calorie content works for me, for now. You know why? Because if I have a little treats throughout the week I tend to binge. As in, I can't have just one. But apparently you know my better than I do...

    Now take a step off your high horse.
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I agree! I find I can still eat things outside of my normal eating plan (like pizza hut pizza)and still be under my goals in all categories. I only count it as a cheat if it's actual way too much sugar because of being Diabetic.
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    thank you for posting!!! i agree with all the positive things on this page, but i can't believe the negativity of some comments! aren't we all on here to help each other?? why would you insult someone like that?? let's stay positive!
    The negativity comes from being told that what is working for you is wrong, and that they way someone else does it is right.

    There are have been so many threads like this lately and it is driving me bonkers.

    What works for one person does not work for every person. Each person has to find what works for them. Just because it is different does not make it wrong.
  • ladydove5
    ladydove5 Posts: 23 Member
    I don't have cheat meals either. I eat what ever I want that fits into my calorie count for the day. I am careful about serving sizes . I hardly ever eat fried foods because it doesn't agree with me. I don't feel like I am on a diet at all. I am losing weight now...slowly but surely and in the mean time I am learning to eat better and enjoying the things I like to eat. This is something I can live with. I suppose everyone must find what works for them. I am no expert...I'm just an everday person.
  • MsMouseMouse
    MsMouseMouse Posts: 92 Member
    I don't know if it's right or wrong, On the internet you can read hundreds of different opinions.
    It all works for someone. Low carb, Low fat, counting points, counting calories, Zig Zagging.
    We can only hope to be able to find out what works best for us. I personally am like an Alcoholic so
    for me cheat days/ meals or treats can be dangerous. I might end up over eating for days before getting back on track.
    I was very proud of myself today. I refused birthday cake at work. I was out to the movies last night and had popcorn with butter and sprinkles. That was my treat for the week. Having the piece of cake would have been lower in calories, fat, carbs and sodium. How ever I had made my choice and I was very happy to be able to say no to the cake.

    I think the cheat days would fall under Zig Zagging. So from now on. Instead of saying cheat days or cheat meals, one just has to say.. This is my Zig Zag day. It's suppose to keep you from the dreaded Plateau.
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    Well said, deathtaco! I have over 12,000 calories available each week to fit in foods that I enjoy eating. If I can't seem to do that then I'm doing something wrong. Everyone has what works for them. I don't "schedule" meals or days where I allow myself to go wild calorically speaking. Since I'm trying to adopt a healthier diet as a way of life rather than a temporary solution, I just fit in foods I enjoy eating and make sure to limit the portion size.
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I think the cranky people should go have a snack.
  • PrincessBTits
    PrincessBTits Posts: 198
    A good article about cheat meals for anyone interested
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    I dont think the OP is trying to tell anyone how to live their life. I think he's just trying to caution against cheat meals, because the need for them often indicates that you are missing some key nutrients in your regular eating habits. It's a good thing to think about. If you're requiring "cheat meals" and having tons of cravings for things that are "off plan" you should reexamine what you're eating. Take a look at some of the other metrics (like vitamin d, a, b, calcium, etc) to see if you're deficient in anything.

    I don't plan cheat meals, but I'm ok with going over my limits when it's socially unavoidable.