New - looking for friends, advice, recipes, anything!

annielarson Posts: 20 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All-

I've "dieted" before, but never more than 2 weeks before I went off the wagon and called a quits. I need something long term so I can loose my extra weight slow and healthy, that way I can actually keep it off!

I'm a full time student with a demanding job on the side. I'm not the best at planning ahead so I normally end up eating out due to my lack of cooking skills and time restraints. I'd love to find some easy low-cal recipes that I can pre-make and bring with me to work or school. My knowledge is very limited.

I know that nutrition is a big part of loosing weight, but so is exercising. I'm not one of those people who love to run and look forward to it, I have to force myself to go and I battle with myself the entire time to keep going. I do better with hikes or yoga.

Anyways, If you have any advice on how you stuck with your exercise/diet plan LONG TERM I could really use it. I seriously want to stick with this.

Thanks :)


  • aliciadjackson
    aliciadjackson Posts: 480 Member
    Hi! Welcome to MFP! Everyone I've met here is extremely supportive and encouraging!

    Feel free to add me!
  • bitty1taz
    bitty1taz Posts: 309 Member
    Welcome to MFP!
    I hate cooking too but seeing as how I have two little ones to look after I'm forced into it. Plus I know it's a lot healthier. Betty Crocker has a great cookbook out on meals that take 30min or less and they are pretty healthy.
    Eat This Not That also has some good ones.
    Feel free to add me if you would like and good luck on your journey.
  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member
    Welcome! This is a great place.

    What kind of house/apartment/living space do you have? A full kitchen & fridge, or a hot plate/microwave and small fridge? Do you have room to store dry goods and even perishables? How much time do you have to cook and prepare before the week starts? Most importantly, WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO EAT?

    I do some easy-to-fix things such as roasted chicken & then put it in baggies for daily use. But if you don't have an oven to roast chicken, that solution won't work. And if we advise "oatmeal and greek yogurt" and you HATE both, our advice won't be very good.

    Let us know a little more & we can help you.

    Good luck. MFP is a great place to hang out.
  • Buddie616
    Buddie616 Posts: 167 Member
    I find alot of recipes online! They are pretty good too! Welcome to MFP!!!
  • missfittin_missy
    missfittin_missy Posts: 184 Member
    I am a snacker soooooooooo I keep plenty of things like coco roasted almonds, quaker caramel rice cakes, strawberries, string cheese, and my new fav skinny cal heavenly crisps and dreamy clusters! Egg whites have become a staple in my morning meals and I am an EXTREMLY picky eater so I am making myself try new things... this morning it was an egg mug... got the idea from the new Hungry Girl 300 under 300 cookbook but I took turkey sausage crumbles, fat free shredded cheddar, and spinach and put in 1/2 cup of liquid egg whites and zapped it in the microwave for 2 minutes... was so filling I couldnt even finish it WHICH is a 1st for me! I thought I hated spinach so it was a nice suprise to find it wasnt bad at all! Either way dont be afraid to try new things untl you figure out what works for you!
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Hi All-

    I've "dieted" before, but never more than 2 weeks before I went off the wagon and called a quits. I need something long term so I can loose my extra weight slow and healthy, that way I can actually keep it off!

    I'm a full time student with a demanding job on the side. I'm not the best at planning ahead so I normally end up eating out due to my lack of cooking skills and time restraints. I'd love to find some easy low-cal recipes that I can pre-make and bring with me to work or school. My knowledge is very limited.

    I know that nutrition is a big part of loosing weight, but so is exercising. I'm not one of those people who love to run and look forward to it, I have to force myself to go and I battle with myself the entire time to keep going. I do better with hikes or yoga.

    Anyways, If you have any advice on how you stuck with your exercise/diet plan LONG TERM I could really use it. I seriously want to stick with this.

    Thanks :)

    Been there done that, and I have learned. I have lost 100lbs, pretty much forcing myself to exercise and eat right. Guess what happened, I gained back 80lbs. I am here again with a new plan. The thing here is to make it a life style, a habit. You already know that. The question is, "how is this done?"

    A big part of it, is training your mind to link pleasure to the habits you want to develop, instead of pain, "bringing more pain in to your life isn't going to make your life better." The thing to do is "take it slow" remembering your goal isn't to "lose weight" your goal is to develop good healthy habits. For example, set a few simple goals, such as "drink my water intake for a month, eat a healthy breakfast, and exercise 15mins" Once you have that down, and it's a habit, when you do it automatically, when you feel "uncomfortable" if you don't do it. Then you add a healthy lunch to the list, and work with that until you have it down, then dinner. Once you're exercising good, and eating right, and not having a problem with it. Work on improving it, for example, "eating healthier."

    The way to train the mind is to imagine yourself achieving your goal, and enjoying the process, the key here is to trigger positive emotions.
  • I am in the exact same boat - full time student, demanding 2nd shift job, husband & son in the mix plus life. I just decided I was tired of feeling fat. I'm just ending my first week of seriously walking & watching what I eat. I haven't lost anything but I feel better so that makes it all worth it.

    The discussion boards have some good forums w/recipes, a few that I made this week & loved.

    I also decided to embark on the C25K work out as well as Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. It's been a trying week but I feel good...haha

    Welcome to the club...Hope things work out well for you too!! :)
  • annielarson
    annielarson Posts: 20 Member
    All great advice- and I love how support has poured in so fast! I'm looking forward to using MFP as everyone seems so friendly and helpful. Its already becoming addicting. More reports to come as the week goes on!

    Right now I'm headed to the pantry to throw out anything too unhealthy and making a trip to the grocery store later this evening. I'm going to buy some tupperware and plan some meals for work/ school this week. Thanks everyone!
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