Complicating Excercise

bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
**Gosh I wish I could change the misspelling in the title.**

I'm a relative newbie to the site, but I've noticed an attitude on here lately, that seems to be shared by many people. A disdain for exercise. Now, I'm not going to start telling everyone that they should love it, but moreso that it doesn't necessarily have to be the a daunting, terrible task that many people seem to take it as. "Too much work..." "I'm going to eat my exercise calories, because I worked too hard for them to just eat them back."--As if that is the only reason to exercise.

Exercise, is just moving your body. Anything. It doesn't have to be strenuous(especially at the beginning), if you're not into that sort of thing. Don't like P90x, don't do it. If it floats your boat, sure. Running, swimming, biking, Jillian workout tapes. Countless numbers of toning and fitness gadgets. None of these is the magic bullet. The magic bullet is individual to each and every one of your individual tastes and interests. The more you enjoy it, the more you will be apt to do it.

It can be as simple as playing with the kids. Or, if walking is too boring for you, walk as you take pictures(if you're into photography) or anything that gets you moving at all. Anything helps.

And weight loss is not the only reason to get yourself moving. It improves your heart, your lungs, your self-image, stress relief and self-esteem. People who work out regularly tend to have higher self esteem than those not regularly working out.

So get out there and do what it is that YOU enjoy. Not just what someone said helped them lose a ton of weight. Run. Walk. Dance. Bike. Swim. P90x. Step aerobics. Yoga your way to a healthier life.... and focus on things beyond just what the scale says. Life is too short to be doing things you hate.


  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    Exercise, is just moving your body. Anything. It doesn't have to be strenuous(especially at the beginning),...anything that gets you moving at all. Anything helps.

    Amen, sister. Preach!

    Or in Facebook terms...*LIKE*
  • petchonka82
    petchonka82 Posts: 156
    Exactly why I set up Dinky's Daily Challenge! Great post!
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    Great post and fantastic attitude! You hit the nail on the head big time! Anything more than sitting on the couch is good for you. Just get up and do Something! :-)
  • Bunchesonothing,

    I love your energy and couldn't agree more! I, for one, love P90X but eventually got a little bored with it. Still haven't been able to get into Jillian... I am currently enjoying a program called Insanity: The Asylum. I think they should have called it Dead Pool. I am wondering who it's going to kill next!

    I like to say diet is 80% of the equation, the other part is exercise. You can get skinny with just diet, but there is a big difference between being skinny and being fit!

    People tend to be motivated by one of four factors to exercise:
    1. Physical Performance- run faster, lift more, DO more.
    2. Sex Appeal- I used to say appeal to the opposite sex, but this is 2011 and I don't judge!
    3. Health and Longevity- the desire to get to know your adult grandchildren.
    4. Money- some jobs require you to be fit (military), some people are concerned about the tax burden placed on our system by the obesity epidemic, some of us get paid to coach others so we must lead by example.

    Whatever motivates a person most, they should grab onto and use it to create a vision of their future. Then they need a plan of what daily and weekly habits it will take to get them there and in what time frame.

    I think that plan is what you're speaking of; Find what's fun for YOU!

    Thanks for giving me something to chew on and a worthwhile first reply to these boards. Good luck on reaching your goals!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member

    I posted something similar earlier in response to someone's question about skipping workouts...they were only focused on that balance between exercise and calorie intake...I've gotten back into my fitness routine enough that I look forward to all those other benefits you mentioned, just as much as the weight loss aspect of things...

    I took a "rest day" today and actually found myself at loose ends because of not working out LOL...I've become accustomed to it being a part of my every day life!
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