How do I do it?

I was just looking over some success stories. I am new to MFP and want to post a before picture, but I am afraid the after picture will be the same girl. How can I keep the positive attitude that this weight loss goal will actually be realized?


  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    Make friends on here and start getting that support. Keep looking at all the success stories and realize that they aren't doing anything magical; they are following the same guidelines as you. Everyone has good and bad days, so don't get discouraged about that. Remember that weight loss is usually slow, so you have to be patient and recognize that any loss is good, and pay attention to the larger trends of your weight loss.

    Remember that the only way you will fail is if you give up.

    Remember that you CAN do this!

    And I'm sending you a friend request. The support of MFPers has really helped me through this process.

    Good luck!
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    How it's done... I have lost 100lbs then gained back 80, I know how to lose weight no question about that. Keeping it off, that's the thing. I learned what my mistake was, so I am working on improving it.

    The thing with weight loss, it's all psychological, everything is. Noticed how you said, "I don't want the after picture to be the same as my first pic" What does this say about your motivation and belief? It seems pretty low. You get out of life what you expect, not what you want. You're already expecting to fail. To success at weight loss, you need motivation, and belief in your self.

    Imagine if you where totally motivated to lose weight, but didn't believe you could do it, you wouldn't even begin. Imagine if you absolutely knew you could lose weight, but weren't motivated to, you wouldn't even begin.

    Your next question would probably be, "SO what do I need to do?" In simple terms, you need to associate pleasure with making the right choices, I am a strong believer in visualization exercises, they have helped me tremendously.

    If you have any question about specific ways to do this, send me a message.
  • february01
    february01 Posts: 14
    HI yesterday was my first day and i had so much support and made friends with people all who knew and understand how i feel, that this morning i feel motivated and happy , and quickly realise why i have failed in the passed (I needed support ) and now i have found it, feel free to add me as a friend if you want :smile: