Are protein shakes good for women...??



  • Protein Shakes can't bulk you up.

    Excess carbs and fat bulk you up, and protein powder contains insignificant amounts of both.

    Do your research and find a brand with good macros and great taste.
  • palmirana
    palmirana Posts: 34 Member
    I have been considering protien meal shakes but, I don't want to BULK up lol.... I wanna have a rockin body not be a body builder lol... are they good for women? If you sooo which types are best in your opinion

    Don't worry, you WON'T be bulking up. Women just don't naturally bulk, even if they take in a LOT of protein and do a lot of weights. It's just not our nature.

    To the contrary, protein is really good. It helps repair muscles, it helps us lose fat and not muscles, it helps in creating lean muscle mass (that's what tones you, that's what you want).

    It is generally very low cal and keeps us full and energized for a long time. Just make sure that whatever brand you get (ignore scary stories), that it has low carbs and low sugar.
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