HRM vs Pedometer

angelzoya519 Posts: 80
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
I was wondering something. I have a pedometer that my husband got me last summer when I was going for hikes and walks with my sister and I was wondering something. Should I get a HRM or just stick with my pedometer for now?? I'm really not wanting to spend any money for a HRM and I was wondering how would doing Blood Pressure before and after exercise would work also??
If this is confusing I'm sorry. But I was wondering what you would do.


  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    A pedometer is fine if all you want to know is how far you walked/hiked, but if you want an accurate count on how many calories you are burning then you need to get a HRM (one with a chest strap). I got a Garmin HRM with GPS and I know how many calories I am burning plus how far I am going. But it was definitely on the pricey side. If you don't want to spend that much the one of the Sportline HRMs that you can get at wal-mart has a built in pedometer. I thought about getting that one, but splurged on the Garmin one. I have several friends that have the Sportline HRMs and love them. Blood pressure before and after doesn't really give you an accurate heart rate. I know when I hike or run my heart rate goes down after stretching and cooling down and taking my blood pressure wouldn't help.
  • Thanks. I am not sure if buying a HRM will be in my to do list anytime soon. I guess I will just stick to my pedometer for now at least till I start to noticing I'm not losing weight. I have to get back into losing weight after been sidelined for a broken foot.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    A pedometer is fine if all you want to know is how far you walked/hiked, but if you want an accurate count on how many calories you are burning then you need to get a HRM (one with a chest strap). I got a Garmin HRM with GPS and I know how many calories I am burning plus how far I am going. But it was definitely on the pricey side. If you don't want to spend that much the one of the Sportline HRMs that you can get at wal-mart has a built in pedometer. I thought about getting that one, but splurged on the Garmin one. I have several friends that have the Sportline HRMs and love them. Blood pressure before and after doesn't really give you an accurate heart rate. I know when I hike or run my heart rate goes down after stretching and cooling down and taking my blood pressure wouldn't help.

    Absolutely. Great advice and yes. . . I love my Sportline. They are 47 dollars.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Thanks. I am not sure if buying a HRM will be in my to do list anytime soon. I guess I will just stick to my pedometer for now at least till I start to noticing I'm not losing weight. I have to get back into losing weight after been sidelined for a broken foot.

    Forgive me for being nosy, but how in the world did you break your foot? Ouch!
  • I know this is gonna sound weird but what happened was two weeks before easter I had my cousins staying the night with me and I had just put them to bed upstairs and I was coming back downstairs to let my dogs out and turn off all the lights so I could go to bed and I went to take the first step down the steps and down I went. I missed place my footing. I some how got my left foot under me and broke the top bone on the top of my foot. I screamed out in pain and woke all the kids up. My husband thought I had just bruised my foot. Until I tried to stand up and couldn't even put pressure on my foot without screaming out in pain and tears running down my face. Now I'm a big girl. I'm over the 250 mark and my husband was gonna try to carry me but I wouldn't let him b/c he does have a bad back . It took me over 45 minutes to get from my steps to the car. They could not give me a cast due to the fact that they said if they gave me a cast it would hurt my foot worse b/c of the pressure it would have put on the top bone so I was in a walking boot. I haven't been in my walking boot for about two weeks now expect the times when my foot is swollen. But I keep an eye on it as far as the selling is and if I notice it to swell up I will put my foot up and ice it. I just got to take it easy. I do know that. But like I told my dr I have to get back into exercising so I can lose this weight.
    But that is how I broke my foot.
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