im ok but not ok

so today (monday) marks my 2 month journey so far, the goal i had set was to lose 20lbs by today, but i did not meet that goal. yes i am sad and upset that i did not meet my goal, but at the same time im proud and happy that ive come this far and have lost 15.2 lbs so far. but things are just frustrating. between work and everyday life im just stressed out. im hitting my breaking point and giving up point for everything, i havent wanted to give up the healthy lifestyle, but there are other things in life, that i have just been fighting for so long and im to the point where im ready to give up...ugh! lol but anyways, i set a new goal for myself for 2 months from now, to lose 22lbs by july 15th. hopefully i have more luck this next time around then i did this time around. i mean im proud of myself and ive come a long way but at the same time it is disheartening that i did not meet my first goal, but i guess you just gotta get up dust yourself off and get back in the saddle...its so much easier for me to give people advice than it is for me to take my own advice. lol....but anyways thanks for reading and feel free to add me, i love meeting new people :)


  • AnneMK5
    AnneMK5 Posts: 110
    Don't give up. You are doing really great! 15 pounds in 2 months is really really good. I bet you can feel a difference too.
    Keep up the good work.
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    Fifteen pounds is good - And if you make 20 pounds your next two months that will be thirty-five. Even if you only do another 15 that will be 30. You are doing great!! Keep up the good work.
  • CommittohealthCHANGED
    CommittohealthCHANGED Posts: 436 Member
    Don't give up fifteen pound lost is fabulous for two month. Keep up the spectacular weight loss journey.
  • inn0c3ntbbygrlx3
    thanks you guys! it means alot to know i have support behind me, its just stressful :(
  • melseid
    melseid Posts: 12
    No, I'm sorry, but I think 15 pounds lost in 2 months is PHENOMENAL! I understand being a little hard on yourself, but my heavens! Look at what you have accomplished!

    Look, life happens, and there are times when dieting or exercising needs to take a back seat. It happens to everyone, and I don't think that's a bad thing. I think you should be very encouraged by your success so far. I know sometimes I need other people to tell me that. So I'm telling you that! : ) I am extremely impressed, and I think you should be so proud.

    I wish you the best of luck in attaining your next goal... but if you don't make it, hold on to the success you have, and do not underestimate it. If you continue heading in the direction you wish to head, you are doing wonderfully.
  • inn0c3ntbbygrlx3
    thank you so much! sometimes i guess it does take hearing it is the way to keep trucking on. and im very proud of myself and i know i can do this, im just stubborn and very hard on myself! but with mfp and the awesome support from friends on here i know i can do it!
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    15 is absolutely fine. Steady loss and steady improvement in health is just perfect. Too fast, or set the goals too high and you run a higher risk of failure and despondency and then the higher risk of giving up.

    So pat yourself on the back and keep it up!

  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Fifteen pounds is good - And if you make 20 pounds your next two months that will be thirty-five. Even if you only do another 15 that will be 30. You are doing great!! Keep up the good work.

    Much agreed. Over 15lbs in a month is a significant amount of weight. And Hey 1-2 lbs a week is reasonable above that you are doing outstanding. You can do it. Perhaps don't push for so much weight.
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    Keep pluggin' along. We all hit highs & lows. 15 pounds is awesome! I'm fighting to hit my goal too, but no matter how many times I fall off the wagon, I just dust myself off & climb back on! Try not to be so hard on yourself, you rock! Just remember that!!
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    15 lbs in 9 weeks is great: that's more than one lb per week :-)
    Even if you didn't reach your goal, you did very well :-)

    I actually didn't meet any of my mini-goals so far, missed them by a lb or a week. And these last 6 weeks I've lost the same 2 lbs over and over again, being down one week, up the next week ... But still: I have lost weight, and I will lose some more... as long as I don't give up!
    Same for you: you did lose those 15 lbs, you will lose some more, but you only do as long as you don't give up! Even if you don't meet your mini-goal you've made a huge step towards it!
    Sometimes we just need to adjust our goals and mini-goals to what life allows up to do. As one of my MFP friends wrote to me: "We still have to live". Make it a goal to go on, but adjust your goal to the obstacles you meet on your way.

  • habibti
    habibti Posts: 56 Member
    I agree with everyone else - 15 pounds in 2 months IS SO AWESOME!!! You are doing it, and being successful!!!

    Try not to focus on not reaching 20 pounds as a failure (because I think all of us agree that it's not a failure at all!)

    Give yourself a hug, do a happy dance, and celebrate your success!!:love: