For those who use to be fat...

k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
I have seen several posts about being treated differently when you are smaller than you were when you were bigger, but today I had an incident that made me think about something.

I was talking to a lady today for about 5 minutes or so. I don't know her very well, just sort of a person that I run into occasionally. She is an obese person. It really doesn't bother me. I didn't think about it while I was talking to her, but as I was leaving I started to wonder if I treat bigger people differently now because I use to be in that group. I would really like to think that I don't treat people differently. But, I would be lying if I said I didn't think differently. Almost like thinking, "I know how you feel" kind of thing. I don't know. What do you all think?


  • Rowann
    Rowann Posts: 86
    I hate to say it, but for a short while I found myself being really judgemental towards other overweight people (When I'd started to lose reasonably significant amounts). I'd got it into my head that just because I was doing something about my weight why weren't they.

    I then smacked myself around my head and got a grip. I realised that nobody is going to do this until they're ready - I certainly didn't.

    Now I'm back to how I was before - I don't pay any attention to a person's weight. I'm more interested in the type of person they are.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I don't pay attention to someone's weight unless THEY bring it up to me. Then I think "I wish I could help them" because I truly feel like if *I* can do it, anyone can. I don't mean that in a snide way -- I mean it in an honest way. I had the worst eating habits and found exercise to be a waste of time. I've completely changed and I feel like if I can -- anyone can.
  • andyj1984
    andyj1984 Posts: 76
    I have started to feel that way now, at work most of my colleagues are obese (much more so than myself), and I wonder why they don't do something about it as well. But, first you have to realize and admit to yourself you have a problem, then you can go about solving it. I think most overweight people have been that way for so long that perhaps its just their way of life?

    The one sad thing I do see is my boss constantly eating the most unhealthy foods imaginable (cream cakes, buttered cakes, chocolate, cola, etc). I would estimate his BMI to be at least 40, if not quite a bit higher. Its sad, because he has children, and if he carries on like that I doubt he will live too many more years. Already he is getting treated for sleep apnea (essentially choking himself when sleeping because of all the weight), and has been told he needs to desperately lose weight.

    The real tragedy is that weight loss for really obese people should be easier than for anyone, since the BMR will be much higher, as well as the fact that a bit of exercise has much more impact when you have all that extra weight.

    I would certainly never judge anyone, and I have lots of weight still to lose myself (40lbs). Though I am of the opinion that if I can do it, then seriously, ANYONE CAN!
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    Hmmm...good question. I think we all look at people with a judging eye. Whether to thin or too fat, or tall or short, being overweight is just an easier target. For me, I have been thin most of my life and have gained much of my weight due to various factors in the past 8 years. I think I am less apt to be judgemental now with the struggle I have had to lose weight. Its not easy. There are so many barriers the most hurtful being how our bodies react to losing weight as if we have to go to war with ourselves. There is an emotional aspect as well as physical that can be challenging. Having said that I was on vacation having breakfast in the hotel. Looking around I noticed more than 2/3rds of the room were people who were obviously overweight (including myself). This is a bigger problem than just me. Is it our unhealthy lifestyles, our unhappiness with ourselves, or just we have too much. Think a combination of all three. But as a wiser man than me once said "if you wish to climb a mountain you must first take a step".
    Here's to all of us taking those first steps. Don't care what anyone thinks its our journey that matters...Cheers!!
  • Namaste1983
    Namaste1983 Posts: 603 Member
    I work in a hospital and it is insane how many obese people i see everyday. I was 430 pounds so i understand how it felt. However, now when i have to slide an obese patient who cant move or help themselves i get a little frustrated. I worry about my back and we have to take 4-5 nurses off the floor just to slide a person into a bed. I mean, I feel empathy because they are hurting and regardless of size i make sure they feel safe and comfortable and i would never want to be that size again. It presents a gift to me in a way, because i am able to see where i was and where i am. On the other hand i feel worried because we as a society are seeing an increse in "diabesity" is the coined term here. Overweight and diabetic. its kind of a catch22 for me :/
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    Hmmm...good question. I think we all look at people with a judging eye. Whether to thin or too fat, or tall or short, being overweight is just an easier target. For me, I have been thin most of my life and have gained much of my weight due to various factors in the past 8 years. I think I am less apt to be judgemental now with the struggle I have had to lose weight. Its not easy. There are so many barriers the most hurtful being how our bodies react to losing weight as if we have to go to war with ourselves. There is an emotional aspect as well as physical that can be challenging. Having said that I was on vacation having breakfast in the hotel. Looking around I noticed more than 2/3rds of the room were people who were obviously overweight (including myself). This is a bigger problem than just me. Is it our unhealthy lifestyles, our unhappiness with ourselves, or just we have too much. Think a combination of all three. But as a wiser man than me once said "if you wish to climb a mountain you must first take a step".
    Here's to all of us taking those first steps. Don't care what anyone thinks its our journey that matters...Cheers!!

    Agreed!!! :)
  • KaizokuNoMaiku
    Yeah I can relate to beeing judgemental. Had that also the first month orso when I started to lose weight thank god that peroid is over now.
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    Humans are judgmental. If you say you never judge, I honestly believe it's a lie. I'm not saying you do it consciously, but it's done.

    I admit, I do think about weight. I don't necessarily *say* anything about it, but the thought crosses my mind. Especially when I see them complaining about being overweight while eating fast food. I don't try to force my eating habits on anyone, but I get frustrated when I (and most likely all of you) try SO hard to make good choices and lose weight, and we don't gripe about being fat, have to listen to someone else complain about not losing weight while eating at Taco Bell.

    I seriously want to say "Well, maybe if you stopped eating fast food all the dang time and moved around more you'd lose weight". But...I don't.
  • Akiyah
    Akiyah Posts: 57
    I try to keep it simple...when I was a size nine, I would look at overweight people and feel their pain (believe it or not) and when I noticed others looking or commenting negatively I would get upset and want to say something to those that were being rude, honestly I have said something in the past. We that are overweight for one reason or another are where we are for a reason. I was skinny as a child and remember my weight gain starting after the sexual abuse happened. I ate and ate and ate and then to lose weight, I turned to drugs,hence my size 9. Once I decided to get clean, my weight resurfaced and I knew there was a bigger problem. I really believe that weight is like a mask, we are not these people,so when the weight is lost, we don"t change, we just found our real know the ones that were there all along, so when I look at someone heavy I wonder what pain they must be going through emotionally...I mean really, who if given the choice would want the burden of being fat?

    Love to all and Happy Shedding : )
  • Akiyah
    Akiyah Posts: 57
    I don't think I put myself down or gripe, but I do say I'm fat b/c I'm fat...I will eat a cupcake and think why in the heck am I eating this and the only thing I can think of is the taste. It's an addiction for some, I know it is for me b/c I have been an addict all my life. And people have stared at me b/c of my weight...they look at me as if they wanna say " hey, you know your fat right?" I know I judge too, one pet peeve I have is someone who is consuming 1000 calories in one sitting and chasing it with a diet coke.....really? lol
  • thetigerzeye
    thetigerzeye Posts: 81 Member
    I try not to be judgemental to anyone, size, race, education, etc but its always hard not matter what, especially when those people are ACTING like their stereotypes. I think its horrible that obesity is considered an epidemic in todays society. That food, FOOD for gods sake, a NECESSITY is causing so much distruction to us. I hope that with my 60 more lbs to lose that I don't forget where I came from and how I wasn't ready to begin my journey until *i* was ready. No one else could motivate me ut ME and that is is same with each and everyone of you. No matter what was going on with my health *i* wasn't ready. And I don't expect anyone else to be. I will try my hardest to stay caring toward my fellow man and not judge because of anything that they may or may not be.

    Also if anyone want to watch this its pretty humorous and sad at the same time but applies to what the world (especially america) is going through.
  • weallhaveastory
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Almost like thinking, "I know how you feel" kind of thing.

    That's exactly how I am. I actually say that in my head when someone who is obese walks by... I'm not sure if it's mean or comforting...