Vitamins too - but need help with carbs

I've been trying to get to 1200 calories a day & am just not hungry. I don't understand the carbs and what I should be eating to get them; I'm at a deficit in that area. So I've been taking vitamins too along with trying to eat what is good for me: E, C, Omega 3, Selenium & CO Q 10 with Red Yeast Rice.
I have also been eating 1/4 to 1/2 cup a day of BLACK Rice that isn't on the food list anywhere - this rice provides a higher level of vitamins, minerals and fiber of any other rice, as well as a comprehensive range of amino acids, proteins, vegetable fats and essential trace elements needed by the body. 1/4 cup has 5 grams of Protein, 2 grams of Fiber & 34 grams of Carbohydrates - 160 Calories, 1.5 Gram Fat & 4% of the Iron you need in a day.
I've started exercising twice a day for the past 10 days changing from a stationary bike for 20 minutes to 20 minutes of elliptical. I also have been doing a kettlebell routine for another 15 to 20 minutes... I've actually lost 5 pounds in the last 10 days and am happy with that but am afraid that I won't be able to keep this up for weeks, let alone MONTHS! My BMI is 32 and I have at LEAST 40 pounds to lose. Any advice &/or encouragement is welcome.
Thanks & good luck to all
