Ate right, ran 3 times a week, lost...



  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    If you're exercising a lot more than you used to, chances are you're building muscle - muscle weighs more than fat so you can be losing cm but seeing no change in your actual weight.

    Stick with it!

    Muscle doesnt weigh more than fat..

    A pound of muscle weighs a pound, a pound of fat weighs a pound.

    Apart from that, sopt on

    Obviously that is the truth BUT volume wise, fat takes up more space than muscle. So you might lose a pound of fat but gain a pound of muscle, which will make you lose inches.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    This exact thing happened to me last week but don't despair- half a pound is not nothing! I lost only half a pound last week but the scale at least moved in the right direction. This week I lost 1 and a quarter lb and I am sure I wasn't as "good" as I was the week before.

    Sometimes your body takes a while to kick in and get used to the new regime. Also don't be tempted to eat too much if you have gone for a run- I made that mistake for years and I never lost anything.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Your body adapts to running very quickly. I tell my personal training clients to run because they enjoy it, don't run to lose weight. Try cardio class, tabata, inverval training, areobics, weight training, exct.....

    MOre importantly are you wearing a HRM with calorie counter to figure out calories burned? Are you replaceing ALL of your caloires? If not, then there is your anweser. Invest in a heart rate monitor with caloire calculator and replace you rcalories burned with wholesome nutrtious food.

    My blog explains alot of what y ou are asking.

    Are you mad that your scale isn't budging? Are you making these mistakes??

    1. Not spiking your caloric intake: Dropping calories really low works if you don't abuse the technique. The biggest mistake most women make is staying in a negative caloric state for too long without any caloric spike. You see, you have to spike your calories every once in a while. You must replace what you burn during a workout. If you are exercising on a daily basis then the caloric intake must match the amount of calories burned.

    2. Soothing emotional pain with pleasure food: Food is very powerful. In fact, sugar can have drug-like effects on your brain. Unfortunately, pairing pleasure foods with emotional pain can lead you to some serious weight gain. Instead, have some distracting activities you can do when you feel those negative emotional states taking their grip. Substitute pleasure food with healthy snacks.

    3. Weighing yourself every day: I've seen it time and again, a client of mine will weigh herself every single day and suffer from the resulting emotional roller coaster ride. Your body weight changes from day to day for a wide variety of reasons. Check your weight only once every couple of weeks. The BMI is what we need to monitor on a every other weekly basis.

    4. Staying away from all comfort food: Doing this will eventually lead you to binge, not a good thing! So make sure you have your comfort food, but eat it on strategic days. You want to eat it on the days when you need to spike caloric intake, like after a workout. Try to avoid eating snack food past 7pm. The body does not have time to burn the calories and sugars off before bed. This can cause insomnia or worse, fat cells!

    5. Not moving around enough: Simply moving around burns a lot of calories. And the best part is that it doesn't stress your system. Even better, low grade physical activity burns a higher percentage of fat calories while preserving muscle mass. Simple walks with the kids, dog, or friend. Try to be in constant motion, this means a constant burn in calories! Try wearing a pedometer for a day, then take the amount of steps you made in day and add 50 more steps the next day! See how high you can get the pedometer to go!

    That is so good I am going to save that- thanks!
  • cherryburton
    cherryburton Posts: 18 Member
    Your body adapts to running very quickly. I tell my personal training clients to run because they enjoy it, don't run to lose weight. Try cardio class, tabata, inverval training, areobics, weight training, exct.....

    MOre importantly are you wearing a HRM with calorie counter to figure out calories burned? Are you replaceing ALL of your caloires? If not, then there is your anweser. Invest in a heart rate monitor with caloire calculator and replace you rcalories burned with wholesome nutrtious food.

    My blog explains alot of what y ou are asking.

    Are you mad that your scale isn't budging? Are you making these mistakes??

    1. Not spiking your caloric intake: Dropping calories really low works if you don't abuse the technique. The biggest mistake most women make is staying in a negative caloric state for too long without any caloric spike. You see, you have to spike your calories every once in a while. You must replace what you burn during a workout. If you are exercising on a daily basis then the caloric intake must match the amount of calories burned.

    2. Soothing emotional pain with pleasure food: Food is very powerful. In fact, sugar can have drug-like effects on your brain. Unfortunately, pairing pleasure foods with emotional pain can lead you to some serious weight gain. Instead, have some distracting activities you can do when you feel those negative emotional states taking their grip. Substitute pleasure food with healthy snacks.

    3. Weighing yourself every day: I've seen it time and again, a client of mine will weigh herself every single day and suffer from the resulting emotional roller coaster ride. Your body weight changes from day to day for a wide variety of reasons. Check your weight only once every couple of weeks. The BMI is what we need to monitor on a every other weekly basis.

    4. Staying away from all comfort food: Doing this will eventually lead you to binge, not a good thing! So make sure you have your comfort food, but eat it on strategic days. You want to eat it on the days when you need to spike caloric intake, like after a workout. Try to avoid eating snack food past 7pm. The body does not have time to burn the calories and sugars off before bed. This can cause insomnia or worse, fat cells!

    5. Not moving around enough: Simply moving around burns a lot of calories. And the best part is that it doesn't stress your system. Even better, low grade physical activity burns a higher percentage of fat calories while preserving muscle mass. Simple walks with the kids, dog, or friend. Try to be in constant motion, this means a constant burn in calories! Try wearing a pedometer for a day, then take the amount of steps you made in day and add 50 more steps the next day! See how high you can get the pedometer to go!

    Erin - fab post, thank you - I will check out your blog!

    Really appreciating all the comments and feedback, thank you everyone. Just back from the gym and am feeling really good so determined to make this a habit. Don't they say that takes 30 days?