Hello :)

loveablelilac Posts: 1 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hello Everyone,
Just found this site and thought that it would give me the incentive to lose a bit of weight!!
A bit about me.....I will be the big 4 0 in just over a month, I have always had a problem with my weight, at my heaviest I weighed nearly 27st, I now weigh roughly 15st and UK size 18, not 100% sure how much exactly as I am 'scared' to get on the scales as I have been a bit of a pig for about 2 weeks now and know I have put on weight, I have done WW in the past on the old points system and it worked great, lost 10st in a year!! Tried it again at the end of last year on the new points system and even though I stuck to it some weeks I ended up gaining....anyway I am now doing SlimFast and see if that helps, I know I am not as big as I used to be therefore the weight won't drop as quick as it did before, my lowest weight has been around 14.5st, ideally I would love the scales to say 13st something....!!
Anyway I am waffling on now....lol...good luck to you all and hopefully by my 40th Birthday I will weigh less than I do now :)

T x


  • HI there. I just inboxed you. Our stories sound similiar. Looking forward to getting to know you!!

  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    I'm starting to use those slim fast shakes to replace a few meals. Feels kind of weird having a drink be a whole meal. Very tasty though. I love French Vanilla. Good luck to you!
  • Good morning, I think you will have good luck with your weight loss if you hang in there with us. I was on Weight Watchers until I found this site last week so I dropped WW. I love this site and I enjoy chatting and reading the post.
  • jlblight84
    jlblight84 Posts: 7
    Hi there, I joined this site last week. I have a lot of weight to lose after having two children over the last 6 years. I used to do the slim fast thing a while back when I was a uni, I did lose weight but found it difficult to maintain. Hope you have more luck. I am enjoying this website. The people are very friendly, and they support you even when you fall off the plan you have made. I have been amazed at how many calories are in everything! Much more than I ever thought! I must have been eating thousands a day, so its no wonder im 6 stone over weight! I hope you enjoy it here to. Jennie xx
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