suggestions please ?

rebz1991 Posts: 21
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay so i just was interested in getting some feedback from all of you lucky girls who seem to be loosing weight ! This is what im doing, i eat three healthy meals a day and a snack inbetween dinner and bed and sometimes before dinner as well. I go to the gym 5 days a week and do about 30-40 mins on the elipptical burning 400+ cals & also weights. I am not seeing a dramacitc amount of weight loss, The lowest i have been throughout this is 174.4 but im back up t 180 ? Does this have anything to do with gaining muscle.. i find it all very confusing, i do feel thinner but why am i so FOCUSED on the number on my scale ! This week i've decided to hide my scale, and also add the 30 day shred to my days. Im going to try and eat more to meet my caloire goal, and i usually eat back half of my exersize cals. Is there any other suggestions anyone has as to what i can do to enhace my weightloss? My food diary isnt private so take a look, id love to hear any help anyone has ! I do have a few treats on the weekend but i really didnt think that would totally affect me gaining pounds back? I thought it was ok to treat myself and now im thinking maybe i should just not do that at all? Ive been doing this for about a month and a half n started at 183, n since im back up to 180 for some reason i feel like this is the slowest prgress ive ever made when it comes to loosing weight, which makes me even more mad because this is the first time ive exersized this much while trying !?? HELP !


  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    You could add some fruit and veg to your diet.That may help.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Take measurements. What is your sodium intake like? Are you drinking 8 glasses of water every day?
  • RoxMyWorld
    RoxMyWorld Posts: 127 Member
    I would suggest eating more often during the day try and eat every couple of hours even just something quick and small like some fruit or nuts.

    I would also say that it was a good idea to hide your scale. I had to do the same. I was too focussed on the number as opposed to how I was feeling which is GREAT :happy:

    Stay focussed and you will see results.

    Good luck and CHEERS :drinker:
  • I think that you need to eat more least the min 1200 a day and make sure that they are from as much natural foods as possible, things that you buy on the outside of the grocery store...fruits, veggies, lean protien. If you eat too few, your body will adjust and your metabolism will slow down. Also, I don't know if you are drinking water like you should, I didn't see it in your diary. I am confident that I could have never lost the 30 lbs I did if I wasn't drinking all of the water I do. I keep a water bottle with me EVERYWHERE I go and drink 84 oz at a min every day. I replace my nightime snack with 24 oz of water right before bed and I really think it helps to drop the pounds.
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    If you feel thinner that is great! When you ditch the scale try taking your measurements instead and see if you are losing inches :)
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    I think that you need to eat more least the min 1200 a day and make sure that they are from as much natural foods as possible, things that you buy on the outside of the grocery store...fruits, veggies, lean protien. If you eat too few, your body will adjust and your metabolism will slow down. Also, I don't know if you are drinking water like you should, I didn't see it in your diary. I am confident that I could have never lost the 30 lbs I did if I wasn't drinking all of the water I do. I keep a water bottle with me EVERYWHERE I go and drink 84 oz at a min every day. I replace my nightime snack with 24 oz of water right before bed and I really think it helps to drop the pounds.

    after looking at the last few days of your diary I would have to agree here and say you need to eat more
  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    30 DS will help a lot! drink loads of water, i hate it and have to force myself but it works, walk as often as you can. Have you measured, because even if i havent lost weight, ive lost inches. Dont be deterred, maybe your body is used to the food your eating and the exercise, try mixing it up, different food and workouts. Good luck, xx
  • BECav0602
    BECav0602 Posts: 200 Member
    You could be gaining muscle from the strength training. Muscle does weigh more than fat. I took a quick look at your diary and have a few suggestions.
    1. Eat cleaner. You are doing ok but I am not seeing a whole lot of veggies in there. Also, try to avoid some of the foods that have a lot of sugar in them (fruit cups are notorious for having tons of sugar in them). Instead of the nutragrain bar in the morning try and english muffin with some peanut butter or an egg. It will keep you full for longer too!
    2. Up your water intake. I can't see your sodium but if you are consistently going over on it then you are likely retaining water. Drinking tons of water will help that. I drink 8-10 glasses daily (sometimes more). I have to go to the bathroom almost every hour but I do find I am less bloated all the time now.
    3. Eat more. I know it sounds like you won't lose weight but about half the time I noticed your NET calories are under 1200. You need to make sure that most days your net calories are at least 1200 or your body will hang onto fat thinking that it needs it for fuel. Try eating smaller meals about 5-6 times a day. It will help to keep you full throughout the day and keep your metabolism going.

    Also, remember it takes time! Hope some of these tips help. I am not an expert but these things have helped me. Good luck!
  • rebz1991
    rebz1991 Posts: 21
    wow ! Thankyou everyone for all the help and suggestions i will defenitly be taking this all into consideration, im going to start measuring myself for sure instead of the scale ! And im going to focus a lot more on drinking as much water as i possibly can ! Lol as for eating more, i cant argue with you guys there , that shouldnt be a problem ! :) Thankyou very much ladies you all are great supporters :):) !!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    Based on what I saw in diary... I would say you're not eating enough - less than 1000 cals on some days, then over 1200 on others. Plus it looks like you skip meals - when you skip meals, you slow down your metabolism....

    Basically, if you're going to exercise so much - then you need to refuel your body (with your exercise calories)..... I know this may seem like a lot.... but it will work....

    you don't need to exercise on top of your calorie allowance to lose.
    The Goals page actually states this - *Net calories consumed = total calories consumed - exercise calories burned. So the more you exercise, the more you can eat!

    Why.....How is this possible? You're probably asking...
    It's possible because MFP has already calculated a calorie deficit for you BEFORE you even exercise. So, if you eat the daily amount of calories without exercising, you will STILL lose weight.

    DEFICIT is the amount lower than your Total Daily Maintenance Calories (the amount of calories you need to eat to stay at the same weight

    Based on the weekly loss amount you chose, then MFP would've deducted one of the amounts below from your daily maintenance calories.

    Generally someone with a BMI over 32 can do a 1000 calorie a day (2 lbs a week loss) deficit
    With a BMI of 30 to 32 a deficit of 750 calories is generally correct (about 1.5 lbs a week loss)
    With a BMI of 28 to 30 a deficit of 500 calories is about right (about 1 lb a week loss)
    With a BMI of 26 to 28 a deficit of about 300 calories is perfect (about 1/2 lb a week loss)

    Hope this helps...

    My advice is that you continue your exercise routine, eat at least 3 meals a day (no skipping meals), and eat all of exercise calories back - do this for AT LEAST 2 weeks..... as your body may need time to respond...
  • pjrazon
    pjrazon Posts: 22
    the best way to tell if you're losing fat weight and not muscle is by body fat caliper- maybe you're gaining muscle as what you have said you've been doing exercise and eating right -

    Don't worry too much as it can slow down your weigh loss journey in fact don't think about losing weight, think about loving yourself and eating healthy and I'll guarantee you you'll succeed. It works for me so far :) -


    you might have reached your plateau, instead of doing 30mins of cardio exercise boost it to 1hour life for example "25 treadmill 10 xtrainer 15 bike 10 rowing".... and also change your eating pattern. That way you can break your plateau and start losing weight again....

    Goodluck- :)
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