Diamonds in the Rough 7 Week Challenge: Round 2 [Week 3]



  • kaveril422
    kaveril422 Posts: 116 Member
    QOTD Tuesday (May 17)
    what is the first thing ur planning to do when you achieve ur first goal or if u already achieved it what did you do ?

    I am planning on getting a pedicure as a reward to myself for all the hard work.
  • lydt5880
    lydt5880 Posts: 90 Member
  • countryrose7
    countryrose7 Posts: 107 Member
    I need help girls. I'm seriously lacking motivation at this point. My "life" is getting in the way of my weight loss. It is so hard to try and put myself first when chaos is happening around me. How do you block out what's going on around you and focus on you? I could really use some suggestions ladies.
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    I need help girls. I'm seriously lacking motivation at this point. My "life" is getting in the way of my weight loss. It is so hard to try and put myself first when chaos is happening around me. How do you block out what's going on around you and focus on you? I could really use some suggestions ladies.

    Wow - it IS really hard!!! I attended a conference this week with a fabulous guest speaker - Hal Runkel - he wrote a couple of books entitled "Screamfree Parenting" and "Screamfree Marriage" (I highly recommend them).

    One of the basic tenets of his lesson is that you cannot control anybody except yourself. Meaning that you may not be able to control a situation (whether it be your kids/job/spouse/etc), but you CAN control the way you react to that situation. A couple of other good quotes - "If you're not in control, you cannot be in charge" and "The hallmark of being an adult is to manage your anxiety."

    Another tenet: You are basically no good to anyone else if you don't take care of yourself first. There's a reason why the airline instructions tell you to put on your own oxygen mask first before assisting others!

    Finally, another quote: "Failure is whenever we neglect what we want the MOST, for what we want RIGHT NOW."

    So, my advice is to realize that the only way you will have the strength/motivation/willpower to deal with chaos around you is to manage your reaction to it. And the way that you will be at your best is to take care of yourself first! It's not selfish - it's survival :)
  • I need help girls. I'm seriously lacking motivation at this point. My "life" is getting in the way of my weight loss. It is so hard to try and put myself first when chaos is happening around me. How do you block out what's going on around you and focus on you? I could really use some suggestions ladies.

    Start by taking the Oreos your SO keeps around the house and play basketball, with the garbage can as the hoop... wait, that's my problem.

    My first thing would be to alleviate your stress, and not with food! At best I would suggest exercise, but I know time can be limited when you're being pulled in different directions. Find something that works for you. Since I work full time, mine is when I get home and play with my baby girl. My SO's is when I get home and play with our baby girl. :P

    Stress can and will wreck everything you work for if it's not kept in check. I would also suggest, even as an Atheist, turning to your faith to help you. Many people on here do consider their faith a major influence in their success, and if it motivates you positively, I'm all for it.

    And for everyone else, I pose a question.

    What is something you do, no money involved, that relieves your stress (keep it out of the gutter)? We all deal with it, and maybe your way to cope may help one of us in our fitnes goals!
  • WillWorkout4Food
    WillWorkout4Food Posts: 94 Member
    QOTD Thursday (May 19)
    What part of your body are you noticing the biggest change either toned or amount of weight loss since regulary working out?
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    QOTD Thursday (May 19)
    What part of your body are you noticing the biggest change either toned or amount of weight loss since regulary working out?
    I see it first in my face. Still have a roundish face, but not as roundish. I think I'm seeing a difference in my thighs, too - but not a huge difference yet. Just seems like there's a little bit more air between my thighs now than 11 pounds ago!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    QOTD Thursday (May 19)
    What part of your body are you noticing the biggest change either toned or amount of weight loss since regulary working out?

    I'm noticing a lot more definition in my abs, little dents going down the sides. Unfortunately, I feel like it is just making my layer of "fluff" look more pronounced. Still, I love seeing those little dents:love:
  • tramik31
    tramik31 Posts: 17
    QOTD Thursday (May 19)
    What part of your body are you noticing the biggest change either toned or amount of weight loss since regulary working out?

    I would definitely have to say my butt and my stomach. I have to start weight training so I can tone. My inner thighs are my problem area and I do not see a difference there at all... FRUSTRATING....

    Keep up the great work diamonds!
  • QOTD Thursday (May 19)
    What part of your body are you noticing the biggest change either toned or amount of weight loss since regulary working out?

    I noticed in my cankles first and then I looked in the mirror and notice my back rolls are MIA! I can jog instead of walking faster...
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    I need help girls. I'm seriously lacking motivation at this point. My "life" is getting in the way of my weight loss. It is so hard to try and put myself first when chaos is happening around me. How do you block out what's going on around you and focus on you? I could really use some suggestions ladies.

    Think of it this way. If you don't take care of your body today, you will not have a body to take care of in a couple of years. This is your life, you have to fight for it. It's not about being cute, getting smaller clothes or being accepted by others. It's about loving yourself enough and deciding your life is worth living. Everytime you choose something over your health, you are in essence saying my life doesn't mean that much to me. I'm telling you this as I am telling myself. You have to decide today that you want to live....You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  • cshine06
    cshine06 Posts: 139 Member
    QOTD Thursday (May 19)
    What part of your body are you noticing the biggest change either toned or amount of weight loss since regulary working out?

    My sides on my stomach are going inwards... lol I can now see my feet since my stomach is no longer blocking the view..... Have a great night ladies and a better tomorrow. Let's go Diamonds. Put the baggage away and let's make it happen. Team Pink!!!!
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    QOTD Thursday (May 19)
    What part of your body are you noticing the biggest change either toned or amount of weight loss since regulary working out?

    My chest and stomach. They are always the first to go. I wish my fat arms would get smaller. I lift weights all the time but they are still the same size. Ugh:mad:
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    QOTD Thursday (May 19)
    What part of your body are you noticing the biggest change either toned or amount of weight loss since regulary working out?

    My boobs! At first it was a blessing. My tops and dresses fit much better after losing a little weight on top. But I am now wishing the weight would come from some other areas-- stomach, arms, butt, stomach. My calves feel as big as ever but are more toned now.
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    QOTD Thursday (May 19)
    What part of your body are you noticing the biggest change either toned or amount of weight loss since regulary working out?

    I haven't noticed a change yet, but those 12 pounds had to come from somewhere. lol My mom says that my face looks slimmer (even though its still very round). My husband agrees with her and also thinks my butt seems a bit smaller.
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    Was there a QOTD on Wednesday?!?
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    QOTD Thursday (May 19)
    What part of your body are you noticing the biggest change either toned or amount of weight loss since regulary

    My mummy tummy is massively different now I have lost 25 pounds, I have virtually no bum and my legs are slightly more toned. I noticed yesterday my feet look Slimmer! If only some of my arm fat would shift!
  • QOTD Thursday (May 19)
    What part of your body are you noticing the biggest change either toned or amount of weight loss since regulary working out?

    Definitely my face. After about twenty pounds I stopped looking as round... which is great because I don't have a remotely round face naturally! I can also make a muscle with my arm now. That's pretty exciting... I don't know when the last time I was able to do that... probably not since I was about 15. Yeah, sad.
  • Nope, MoreGutThanBut moved to Thursday.
    Was there a QOTD on Wednesday?!?
  • ElleJay221
    ElleJay221 Posts: 104 Member
    QOTD Thursday (May 19)
    What part of your body are you noticing the biggest change either toned or amount of weight loss since regulary working out?

    My upper stomach - right below the band on my bra....I carry a lot of weight between my chest and my waist - so I am so happy to see it starting to leave....bye bye belly! :)
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