Need to lose 40 to 50 pounds. Support buddies?

cheysercan Posts: 7
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hi I am new here and would like to lose 40 to 50 pounds. I've got a long road ahead and my journey starts today. Also I am going on my very first vacation this summer and would like to lose a few pounds for that. I really just need support motivation and sometimes maybe a food intervention. I have an issue with food. I love it.


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Welcome and good luck on your journey :)
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Welcome and Good Luck on your journey! If you log on everyday and be honest, watch your portions and stick with your goals you will do great. Check out all topics if you have any questions. You can usually find all the answers to your questions there. Everyone is just a click away.
  • TheMrsBee
    TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member
    i am exactly the same!! although i have been on here for nearly 2 months and i have been going up and down and only lost 1lb!! it's killing me! i am desperate to lose a stone and a half by September and 2 stone maybe even 2 and a half stone by christmas!

    log everything you eat and every exercise you do (as long as it's different to what you do every day) try not to eat ALL of your workout calories back then you will have a better chance at losing weight!

    Stay focased people on here are great for support! Good Luck x
  • Reald
    Reald Posts: 7
    me too! I have a problem with food too. I really don't love it though. I have about the same amount to lose. We can help each other if you like?
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    hey! welcome. good luck, you and i are in the same boat. add me! :)
  • rjs3455
    rjs3455 Posts: 67 Member
    Welcome and good luck. I also need to lose about 40 more pounds and support is key! I will add you!
  • Good morning, My weight loss goal is 50 lbs and I have to get a grip on my love for food also. I am going to try to make better food choices and work out more so that I don't have to feel deprived. Good luck!
  • Shawneea
    Shawneea Posts: 27 Member
    Good luck on your journey.
  • ariddle
    ariddle Posts: 1
    My friend introduced me to my fitness pal a while ago and I was so excited to join. So I became a member. And then my home page just sat there. I signed on today and saw several messages, Amy hasn't been here in a month, Amy hasn't been here in several months, Amy hasn't been here in quite some time, maybe she needs a little nudge. :) Well, Amy is here now and she plans to kick things in to gear and get moving. My niece is getting married in two months. I would love to lose 20 pounds before the wedding but would be happy with even 10. I am an expert on eating healthy and how to lose weight. I've read many diet books and self help motiviational books. The problem with all that is I have never really got moving. Any 'thin' person I talk to (other than the occassional totally blessed ones who eat everything and do nothing and are a size 6) will tell me that they eat what they want in moderation and they exercise every day. They will miss an occassional day or two but basically it is every day. So in my opinion the key to a healthy life is move!
  • RubyLarkspur77
    RubyLarkspur77 Posts: 18 Member
    You sound just like me. I need to lose about 50 pounds too. We're also going on vacation for the first time this summer. I'm taking my son to the beach and we're leaving in less than a month. I know that's not enough time to lose weight, but I'm hoping I can get a walking program started so I'll at least have enerdy to be able to keep up with him.
  • MichelleKit
    MichelleKit Posts: 31
    Welcome and good luck!!!!!!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hey, I want to lose about the same. Have been using this site for three weeks and lost six pounds, so going quite well. Friend me and we can motivate each other hopefully!
  • Just take it one day at a time... one pound at a time.

    Good luck to you on your journey! Stay positive and just know that there will be ups and downs, it is how you react to the downs that will make or break your success.

    When I began mine I wanted to lose 100lbs... I am at 50lbs now... 50 to go.

    Feel free to add me. :)
  • kiwipez
    kiwipez Posts: 144
    duplicate post - oops
  • kiwipez
    kiwipez Posts: 144
    You sound just like me. I need to lose about 50 pounds too. We're also going on vacation for the first time this summer. I'm taking my son to the beach and we're leaving in less than a month. I know that's not enough time to lose weight, but I'm hoping I can get a walking program started so I'll at least have enerdy to be able to keep up with him.

    A month is a great start - you will be surprised how much better you feel even if you only drop 8-10 pounds. Drink lots and lots of water! Feel free to add me as a friend - we can motivate each other!
  • kiwipez
    kiwipez Posts: 144
    Hi I am new here and would like to lose 40 to 50 pounds. I've got a long road ahead and my journey starts today. Also I am going on my very first vacation this summer and would like to lose a few pounds for that. I really just need support motivation and sometimes maybe a food intervention. I have an issue with food. I love it.

    Welcome - I am a food lover also - feel free to add me as a friend.
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