I am so angry about this post, I felt compelled to share it.

I really thought about whether or not to share this...but I am so angry about it...I know it can be tough trying to lose weight in an Asian culture (lucky for me, I grew up in the west...) but this is just over the top, ridiculous, most damaging message for young and old Asian girls all around.

My brother sent this to me because he was appalled by what he read. This is written by some D list celebrity in Taiwan known as 'Petite S' on weight loss. This is basically her 'Mantra' to 'fatties' as she called them in her rant about weight loss. I read it and I am so furious by the message she sends out, I felt obligated to share and ***** about it. This is clearly what is wrong with many Asian girls!!! This is why I am glad that I was raised in the West and have always been told by my peers to 'accept my body' and 'stay healthy the best way you know how'. This kind of message is so incredibly damaging, especially to young girls and should not be allowed. Why is she still on tv? Why is she promoting some diet programme? God she should be shot...anyway, I did my best translating the lot...

小S的減肥語錄:(Petits S's diet mantra):

★ 胖子沒資格吃! 等你瘦了再說。Fatties don't deserve to eat. Wait till you're skinny to eat.

★ 你們給我挺住,都別吃。 都那麼肥了怎麼還有臉吃!Fatties better hold off, stop eating completely. You're so fat, you think you should be eating?

★我跟你說,這是個殘酷的社會。 你別以為有真本事怎麼著,外表更重要。 Let me tell you, this is a cruel society. Just because you think you're talented or smart, it means nothing. Physical appearnce is the most important thing.

★ 女生一定要愛自己。 你就記住:胖子沒前(錢)途! 你再有本事心地再好,也是只是個好胖子。 Girls should love yourselves. Fatties have no future. You can be great at something but you are still a fattie.

★ 不管年紀,漂亮是必須的。 減肥也沒有藉口,你能把自己吃肥就一定能瘦下來。 30多歲的女性應該比20歲女生更有智慧,你應該知道這個社會對女性多挑剔。 必須瘦,不要想太多。 Doesn't matter what age, being pretty is necessary. There is no excuse in dieting. If you can eat yourself fat, you can lose weight. 30 something women should be smarter than 20 something girls. You should know how critical the society can be to women. You must be skinny, stop thinking about it.

★減肥關鍵就是餓,運動是最沒用的,最多是輔助。 但你想靠運動瘦下來,不可能。 The key thing in dieting is hungry. There is no use in exercising, that's just support. If you want to lose weight by exericing, it's not possible.

★ 沒人能幫你,只能靠自己。 如果你不想我喊你胖子就從現在開始別吃了。 喝水吧就,餓就去睡覺。
No one can help you, you can only help yourself. If you don't want me to call you a fattie, stop eating. Drink water and go to bed hungry.

★ 如果你和我說你不能忍餓問我怎麼辦,我只能說那你別減了。
If you say to me, what if I can't handle the hunger, then I'm telling you to give up.

★ 你們要自己加油。 要證明給自己和一些傻X看。 就算以前是胖子也會有瘦下來變漂亮的一天。
You have to push yourself. Prove to yourself and other idiots. You can be a fattie in the past but you will be a skinny beauty one day.

★ 要瘦一定要付出代價的。 怕吃苦的太嬌氣的就不要開始了。 沒有好方法,就是忍。 不要問我怎麼忍,就是不要去吃。
You have to sacrifice to be skinny. If you can't cope with it then don't start. There are no secret, just deal with it. Don't ask me how to deal with it, just stop eating.

★ 大S是一天一香蕉吃3個星期。 所以你看,就是要忍。 為什麼別人能你就不可以?
My sister (Big S) once ate 1 banana a day for 3 weeks. See, you just have to deal with it. If others can do it, why can't you?

★ 看美女一個個活得更滋潤,為啥? 美女漂亮自然一呼百餘輛車接送,任她挑選。 你吶? 拖著臃腫的身軀和妄圖隱藏肥胖的厚厚大衣擠公交車? 還是自己在大冷天只能冒著漂移的危險慢慢開車遲到?
You see a beautiful girl living the life, why? Beautiful girls can take a breath and people would be showering her with fancy cars, her choice. And you? You're fat and you're trying to hide all of your flaws and you're taking public transportation. You have to bear the coldness and drive your own damn car and be late?

★ 其他女人都能瘦下來你為啥不行! 你是白痴嗎? 你天生就該當肥豬嗎?
If other women can be skinny, why can't you? Are you an idiot? Are you meant to be a fattie?

If you are not harsh on yourself, men would be harsher on you.

★ 你難道就喜歡別人對你不堪入目的身材指指點點? 就喜歡看著自己喜歡的男生被自己厭惡的女生搶走? 就喜歡每天對著肥大的褲子把自己粗壯的腿塞進去? 就喜歡夏天穿個包得死緊的衣服大汗淋漓走在烈日底下? 就喜歡身邊的臉很醜但很瘦的女人穿著你穿不進的美衣? 體重3位數的女人沒有未來! 只有對自己狠一點!
Do you like others pointing out all of your flaws? Do you like seeing someone you like stolen by someone else? Do you like wearing big pants trying to stuff your own gigantuous thighs in? Do you like wearing lots of clothes on a hot summer day and sweating profusely? Do you like some ugly but skinny girls next to you wearing clothes that don't fit you? There is no future for girls into 3 digit (in kilos) mode. You have to hard on yourself!

★ 不瘦下來不准買新衣服! 不瘦下來不准再做頭髮! 你就一直做一個穿過氣衣服的土的掉渣的死胖子吧!
If you're not skinny, you can't buy new clothes. If you're not skinny, you can't get your hair donw. You only deserve to wear old season clothes, fattie!

★ 控制不住嘴巴的人就別鬧騰著減肥! 這不是純噁心人嗎! 活該! 死胖子! 活該你這種人就只能對著那些XS的美衣流淚! 夏天要到了! 你那像腿就別自討沒趣地穿裙子了! 你就不怕有人在背後悄悄驚嘆你的勇氣麼! 我比你瘦! 比你努力! 你活該這麼醜!
If you can't control your mouth, stop talking about dieting. You deserve, you damn fattie. You deserve to cry when you see those pretty XS girls wearing pretty clothes. Summer is almost year, stop kidding yourself and wear skirts. Aren't you afraid that people will be laughing at your 'courage' behind your back? I'm skinnier than you, I work harder than you, you deserve to be this ugly!

★ 有男朋友的胖子! ***再長肥你男朋友就不要你了! 你當他說你胖胖的很可愛! 說你體型剛好是真的啊! 你是沒長腦子還是咋的! 你男朋友要170CM200J你看著可愛不! ! !
Fattie with boyfriends. If you keep getting fatter, your boyfriends will leave you. He may say you look 'chubby' and is quite cute, saying your body is 'just right'. Are you retarded? If your boyfriend was 170cm and 200kg, do you think that's cute?

★ 沒男朋友的胖子! ***為什麼沒男朋友知道嗎! 你張這樣誰要你啊! 現在外貌協會的男人遍地都是! 你看看大腿上的肥肉! 小腿上的肌肉! 你是青蛙還是癩蛤蟆啊! ! ! 你看看你那肥死人的胳膊! 你怎麼不去當相撲啊你!
Fatties without boyfriends. Why don't you have boyfriends? Who would want you if you look like that? There are plenty of men out there who only see physical appearance. Your so fat, there's fat on your legs, fat on your calves, you are a frog or a toad? And your fat arms, why don't you become a sumo wrestler?

★剛被男朋友甩的胖子! 哇哈哈哈哈哈! 你終於被甩了啊! 你男朋友是只吃只拉的造糞機你也想甩了他是吧! ! ! 還在痛苦裡暴食? ! 那你就等著下個男人也甩了你吧! ! !
Fatties that just got dumped by their boyfriends. WAHAHAHAHAH, you have finally been dumped! Your boyfriend was a pathetic fool and you want to dump him, too! But you eat for comfort! So you can just wait for the next guy to dump you, too!

★吃? 你有資格吃麼? 有臉吃麼? 不覺得自己噁心麼? 還想不想要臉樂? 還想不想讓內些看扁你的人大吃一驚?
Eat? You have no right to eat! You have no face to eat! Don't you think you're disgusting? Don't you want the ones who looked down on you to be surprised?

★ 美,瘦了一點有什麼用啊,才不要聽別人虛情假意的說,你好像瘦了一點。 瘦一點有什麼用,听就要聽別人說,哇啊! 你好美哦! ! ! 那樣才是美得冒泡。
Beauty. Just losing a little bit of weight is nothing. Don't believe others when they say, 'you have lost a little weight'. What's the point of losing a little weight? They have to say 'you look beautiful!' That's what counts!

If you want to be skinny, you have to sacrifice, if not, why don't you continue to be a fatty. I mean, there are loads of fatties in this world, you're not the only one.

★愛吃的女人! ! ! ! ! 多愛吃吖,少吃一口,能怎樣,能死麼? 多沒吃過東西吖,從小到大,虧著你了麼? 怎麼就那麼不要臉,吃吃吃,看看自己的肥臉,你有什麼資格吃! ! ! ! 死肥婆! ! !
Food addicts! You like to eat? If you eat less, you're not going to die, it's not like you've never had food before. Look at your fat face, you don't deserve to eat, you fat woman.

★ 一個人連自己食慾都控制不住,還跟牲口有什麼區別?
If you can't control your own appetite, how are you different from animals?

★ 要么瘦! 要么死!

★照相不敢咧嘴笑是吧! 褲子不敢穿淺色的是吧! 這就是胖子最大的悲哀! ! 你知道那些瘦子為什麼比你瘦嗎! 因為在努力勸你吃點東西照顧身體的時候,她自己卻找藉口盡量不吃! ! ! 就算吃了也是素,而且象徵性地一點! ! !
You're afraid to smile when taking a photo, right? You're afraid to wear light colored pants, right? That is the saddest part about being a fattie. You know why the skinnies are skinner than you? Because when they are persuading you to eat to take care of your body, they are finding excuses not to eat! If they do not, it's always vegetarian.

★沒辦法! 人家瘦子! 胃小! ! ! 再不克制就一輩子羨慕別人吧! ! !
Oh well, they are skinny, they have a smaller stomach. If you don't practice some self control, you can just be envious of others for the rest of your life.

★ 飯量再控制,少吃一口,能怎樣,能死麼? 她們吃是有資本,你個死胖子,當你沒瘦下來時,只有忍餓的份,你不對自己狠,別人就對你狠!
Control your rice intake. Stop eating so much, it's not like you'll die. They can eat cuz they're skinny. You're fattie, until you lose the weight, you have to cope with hunger. If you're not hard on yourself, other will be harder on you!

★ 當你對美好身材的渴望遠遠大於你對食物的渴望,你就可以成功減肥。 減不下來那是因為你對美麗的渴望還不夠強烈。
When your desire for a hot body is stronger than your desire for food, then you will succeed in dieting. You can't lose weight because you don't want to be beautiful bad enough.

★ 一個女人如果連自己的體重都控制不了,何以掌控自己的人生!
If you, as a woman, cannot control your own weight, how are you going to be in control of your own life?

★ 其實在你想放棄的那個瞬間,告訴自己再堅持一下再堅持一下,也就過去了。
Just when you're about to give up, tell yourself, it's just a little bit more, just a bit more, then it'll pass.

Worst part is people on Facebook actually 'LIKED' the post and is promoting this message to others! God I'm so mad...


  • LookN2Lose15

    ★ 女生一定要愛自己。 你就記住:胖子沒前(錢)途! 你再有本事心地再好,也是只是個好胖子。 Girls should love yourselves. Fatties have no future. You can be great at something but you are still a fattie.

    When I was in the navy [MANY] years ago, I was on the "fat boys" program because I had blossomed from 120 to 187 pounds in a year. Weekly, I was "counseled" on my weight leading me further into a depression and the weight only packed on more. A warrant officer that was doing my counseling said this same thing to me. It INFURIATED me! The day he said that to me was the day that I decided the Navy was not for me. I was eventually discharged for being "Obese" and did eventually lose the weight on my own. People that have opinions like this really need to look in the mirror [The warrant officer was no fitness prize]. He told me I would never amount to anything because "fat people don't get advanced and hired in the workforce!" Hmmmm...Now a nurse and have been doing it for many years and weight has never been an issue in "advancement". laugh
  • WanderLaura
    WanderLaura Posts: 135
    I feel sorry for the person who wrote that.... she has to feel really badly about herself.... Don't let it get you down!! :) We're here to support you along the way!! You're beautiful and wonderful just the way you are! Make sure you always tell yourself that!! The reason you're losing weight: to be healthier!! :)
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    That is pretty awful. But I think the writer must loath herself and takes it out on the "fatties" around her. You know be mean so you can feel better thing. HOrrible!
  • jo_bel
    jo_bel Posts: 16
    When I see this kind of thing it makes me angry too. That and kind of sad. I agree that this is ridiculous.
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    I was absolutely gobsmacked when I read it. I just cannot believe she is a celebrity and a spokesperson for some diet program!! I was so livid!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I had to stop reading about halfway through. Seriously. This is appalling. This type of rant is exactly why we have young girls dying of eating disorders, starving themselves, binging & purging. I couldn't stand to read any further. This "woman" is ignorant and is completely uneducated about diet and nutrition, obviously. It's sad really. She definitely shouldn't be supported in her judgements, I can say that much. I'm disgusted, truly DISGUSTED.
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    WOW. Someone blessed her with the ability to be thin.....but definately passed over her in the brains department. And the compassion department. And the ethics department..........Sad how shallow she is, really. You almost have to feel sorry for her. Pathetic. Just my opinion. Stay healthy, my friends!:)
  • LookN2Lose15
    When I was in the navy [MANY] years ago, I was on the "fat boys" program because I had blossomed from 120 to 187 pounds in a year. Weekly, I was "counseled" on my weight leading me further into a depression and the weight only packed on more. A warrant officer that was doing my counseling said this same thing to me. It INFURIATED me! The day he said that to me was the day that I decided the Navy was not for me. I was eventually discharged for being "Obese" and did eventually lose the weight on my own. People that have opinions like this really need to look in the mirror [The warrant officer was no fitness prize]. He told me I would never amount to anything because "fat people don't get advanced and hired in the workforce!" Hmmmm...Now a nurse and have been doing it for many years and weight has never been an issue in "advancement". :laugh:
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    That is insane! I think the saddest part is that the person who said these awful things....actually believes they are true =(
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    Well I read like half and this is like a 10 year old girl wrote it, and I don't mean because of the little translation errors. If you only drink water, your body will eventually give up. There are no nutrients from water, no carbs, protein, or fats...No antioxidants, iron, calcium....
  • LookN2Lose15
    My spill about the navy was suppose to go with my quote...I guess I haven't figured this thing out yet LOL~!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    What the f...
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    Well I read like half and this is like a 10 year old girl wrote it, and I don't mean because of the little translation errors. If you only drink water, your body will eventually give up. There are no nutrients from water, no carbs, protein, or fats...No antioxidants, iron, calcium....

    I tried to translate it as close as to the way she said it because it was so choppy and my Chinese is really not as good as before...but when it's in Chinese, it reads even more like some young girl rant and this 'girl' is in her 30s!
  • michelleion
    michelleion Posts: 122 Member
    All I can say is oh dear... It's a real shame people actually listen to this crap, too :(
  • sandybeach11
    sandybeach11 Posts: 198 Member
    Wow! Tough read...
  • amaried621
    amaried621 Posts: 260 Member
    I didn't even need to read all of it. Obviously she is a moron because she said that exercise doesn't help you lose weight. Not that she had any validation in the first place, but after seeing that, she's officially a total moron. And to refer to people as 'fatties' is just unnecessary. She's a ***** to put it simply.
  • camille45
    camille45 Posts: 106 Member
    this is horrible!
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    Unbelivable... and very very sad...
  • Shawneea
    Shawneea Posts: 27 Member
    She may have what it takes to be a celeb but, she d#@* sure doesn't have what it takes to be a human being.
  • soontobeslim92
    I am so horrified by what i just read - rants like that are so un called for - People come on here for a sense of community not to be bullied!

    I hope whoever wrote that feels deeply disgusted for the way they treat others MY MANTRA is Be kind to others n they will be kind to you – Well that’s one of them anyway

    GIRLS AND WOMEN AND FOR THAT MATTER EVERYONE IS BEAUTIFUL THE WAY THEY ARE Yes some people feel the need to change to make them selves feel better and that’s fine but Harmful Slander can lead to people feeling totally alone – I know my best friend tried to kill themselves because they couldn’t take anymore