Antidepressants & Weight Gain



  • memecade
    memecade Posts: 19
    I'm an almost-nurse (graduate Thursday!) and in my pharmacology classes, we studied antidepressants and weight gain! Most of the AD's do have weight gain listed as a side effect - the only one that I currently know of that lists weight loss as a SE is Wellbutrin. My dad gained about 20 lbs in only a couple months on Celexa, and his doc just switched him to Wellbutrin solely for the weight loss attribute.

    And sadly, no form of birth control causes weight gain, as much as we'd like to blame it. I know I've tried to blame it in the past!! Actually, I still do blame it. :)

    Congratulations on your nursing degree! :) Yay! Thanks for the information - good to know I'm not going crazy! I thought BC did cause weight gain - thanks for dispelling that rumor! Hmmm, wellbutrin causes weight loss? May need to check w/ my dr on that if I can't go without an AD.