Three fast food meals in one day...?? *SCREAM*



  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I think you made a great choice by asking for help! There def. are situations where packing a lunch will not do, least your going to try to find the healthier aspect of "fast foods"
  • CherrySunday
    CherrySunday Posts: 301
    I don't know if it's been said in the thread as of yet, but what totally has saved me whenever I'm in a restaurant/fast food situation has been the: Eat This Not That Restaurant Survival Guide. All those books in that series are total life savers, but that one in particular is great for when you're eating out with friends! Good Luck!
  • emmajane_2288
    emmajane_2288 Posts: 132 Member
    Oh I forgot to mention, plan what you are going to eat and STICK WITH IT! Dont be tempted by anything else :)
  • smartmama4
    smartmama4 Posts: 30
    I would have a hard time with breakfast too. I would probably stick a Fiber1 bar and an apple in my purse. But that's just me...

    Good luck with your trip and I will pray for a good visit for your daughter! :)
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I think McD's has a fruit and yogurt cup?

    Fruit and yogurt parfait. 160 calories.. not the most low cal yogurt in the world but it's tasty.. If I absolutely HAVE to have breakfast at McDonalds I go for the breakfast burrito 300 calories and a fruit and yogurt parfait 160 calories.. that's 460 calories and I'm reasonably full. I COULD eat two or three of those breakfast burritos, but if I eat the parfait and drink lots of water I can manage with just one!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I still find stuff to eat at fast food joints that's within reason. If it's got grilled chicken and it's on top of some lettuce, well then, I'm good to go.

    Sure, the food probably has some wonky preservatives in it but in the nutritional scheme of things, it's not all bad.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    If you are having a hard time with breakfast choices as there isn't much you like at fast food places, then no need to pack every meal, just pack your breakfast and make good choices for lunch and possibly dinner.
  • flutterqueen04
    I don't know what is going on with your child's health but I just wanted to say that I am very sorry for whatever it is. Having a sick/injured child is scary and I can't even begin to imagine the stress it must be putting on you so lots of hugs and thoughts going your way :flowerforyou:

    The fact that you are on here asking for the best you can do at these places says a lot!! It shows that even in times where things aren't completely under your control you are still trying damnit! So those that posted she was making excuses...well that was just uncalled for. I know you probably meant well but you don't know the situation so don't know what they say about assuming.

    I would agree that at least for breakfast maybe seeing about packing anything you can for that, healthy cereal bars, fruits, trail mix. Try the Diamond breakfast nut mixes, or a protein shake. That will at least be one meal you can semi control. If you have to go to a fast food place stick with the fruit and yogurt or look on their menus online for low cal, semi low sodium options. For lunch I'd say a salad if you can but be careful don't fall into the salad trap. Make sure its got healthy toppings on it and don't get the high calorie dressings, it just defeats the purpose. Just make sure to get a good amount of healthy protein at each meal.

    Good luck with this trip and I hope everything goes well for you and your child. Know that you are doing the best you can with the cards you've been dealt and you have people on here that will help you and support you, and not blast you for situations that we have no clue about :happy: :happy:
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I would pack a cooler with food I can eat. Even if you do manage to get low cal meals at all those places, you're still getting a ton of sodium and sugars. I understand hospital visits can be stressful so it might be helpful to have safer things to nibble on anyway. I would try to have at least 2 meals plus snacks packs and only allow myself to eat 1 out of 3 meals at those places. You may find that you prefer your food over all that fast food plastic food.

    I hope all goes well with you.
  • Chasy21
    Chasy21 Posts: 19
    Hmmmm for breakfast I would go for the Mc Donalds Yogurt cup cause that has about 160(which is only a dollar) and withthats I also get the apple slices there a dollar too and they come with a small packet of low-fat carmel and thats about a 100 calories also.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO...................

    You are making an excuse!!!!! It is totally unnecessary for anyone to have to go to those places.

    All you have to do is prepare in advance. Pack your cooler--have a picnic--eat in the car, whatever. Take it up to the waiting room---but DO NOT GO TO THOSE NASTY PLACES.

    I used to think the way you are ......but no longer!!! I have finally broke through and realized that my health is more important. My kids nor I have been near a fast food joint in 8 months and we don't plan to.

    You can do this---do it for your daughter---she does not need to be fed that stuff either!

    I was going to make a similar suggestion. I agree wtih this!!!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Hmmmm for breakfast I would go for the Mc Donalds Yogurt cup cause that has about 160(which is only a dollar) and withthats I also get the apple slices there a dollar too and they come with a small packet of low-fat carmel and thats about a 100 calories also.

    That is full of sugar and will leave her hungry in no time flat.

    If Mc Donalds were my only option, I would go with eggs and sausage and no biscuits, hashbrowns or any of that stuff. Protein breakfast to start the day will leave you with more energy and fuller for way longer.
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    One of my boys was in a children's hospital for 6 wks, while I stayed in a nearby hotel (my hubby was at home with the other boys). So believe me, I understand how difficult it can be - trying to make good food choices, but also being constantly stressed and worried about your little one.

    I think there are really a lot of great suggestions here. For me personally, I never wanted to waste time getting breakfast, b/c I would rush to the hospital every morning. So I carried protein bars and fruit with me, and water. That worked for breakfast.

    For lunch, I usu. ate at the hospital cafeteria. They usually have some pretty good, healthy choices (along with bad ones!). I'd often get a big salad with some chicken in it (low cal or no dressing).

    Dinner - I would treat myself and go to a decent restaurant, where I could get a nice meal, which really helped me wind down a bit from the stressful day at the hospital.

    No matter what you decide to do, the good thing is that most nutrition info (esp. for fast food) is available online, so you can at least make educated decisions, even if they may not be the "best" ones. I hope your little one does fine, and that you won't be too stressed about what will happen about your eating plan during this time. We all have things that derail us from time to time, so don't be too hard on yourself if it happens. The fact that you're here asking about it, already shows much more forethought than most anyone else would do, esp. under the circumstances!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO...................

    You are making an excuse!!!!! It is totally unnecessary for anyone to have to go to those places.

    All you have to do is prepare in advance. Pack your cooler--have a picnic--eat in the car, whatever. Take it up to the waiting room---but DO NOT GO TO THOSE NASTY PLACES.

    I used to think the way you are ......but no longer!!! I have finally broke through and realized that my health is more important. My kids nor I have been near a fast food joint in 8 months and we don't plan to.

    You can do this---do it for your daughter---she does not need to be fed that stuff either!

    I think it is VERY rude to say she's making an excuse. You do not know the situation. If she has a child going to Shriner's do you REALLY think she is going to be able to make breakfast lunch and dinner in advance, while caring for a child who may or may not be very ill?

    Also...she asked for HELP in eating healthy. Last time I checked all of those places have salad, milk, water. They even have grilled chicken. Quit pushing your values on other people.

    Damn, people are so rude!

    thank God you said something! i wanted to, but it would have come out rude as well. :) i hate when people act like fast food is the devil and that you can't make any healthy choice there. grrr!

    to the o.p., try to do mcdonald's for breakfast and do a fruit and yogurt parfait or the apple, grape and walnut salad. add a side of bacon (not on the menu, just ask) for protein.
    for lunch, do wendy's and get a baked potato (potassium!) and small chili. if you are still hungry, grab a side salad.
    for supper, do hardee's and get the 1/3 pound low carb thickburger. they also have a side salad there.

    eating out three meals in one day won't hurt your progress.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    For those who keep telling her she shouldn't eat at these places, I believe the OP has already stated she doesn't have much choice, so can we focus on helping her make the most of the bad situation?? One day of eating like this isn't going to kill you OR throw you off the wagon. (I'm sure someone will look at me, my picture, my profile and think well, she's fat so obviously she thinks fast food won't kill her and who is she to give advice anyway?). I'm just saying that if you were to eat this way every day then yes there would be a big problem, but seems like this is special circumstance and I applaud the OP for not throwing her hands in the air and giving up b/c it's just too hard in this situation.

    *stepping off soapbox* Again, good luck with your daughter!
  • lynnmarie60
    lynnmarie60 Posts: 325
    You need to pack breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks like you would if you were going on a long road trip or to work. That is your best choice, if you eat at those places you will go over your calorie intake easily.
  • FearOfFrying
    FearOfFrying Posts: 127 Member
    Yes, take a packed lunch and stay in the car........calories in fast food is one thing, fat and salt content are just as bad
  • nisharae
    nisharae Posts: 204

    This should help trumendously.. good luck <3;)
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Boil some eggs the night before, and buy some bagels. Boiled egg and bagel (maybe with a bit of cream cheese) for breakfast. You can pack a lunch too - sandwich, apple, carrot sticks makes a great lunch (or ask to go to Wendy's and get a plain baked potato or a garden salad, just watch the dressings). Then, if you end up getting dinner on the road, too, you can go ahead and have a SMALL fast food meal ("small" burger, small fries, small drink -- or if you prefer, burger, non-fry side option, and water).

    Just because the driver wants to eat the fast food junk doesn't mean you have to.
  • LyndseyMcKnight7
    My daughter is also seen at a children's hospital and it is always a day long event. I try to eat something at home, and take a banana or apple for snack. I'm a big subway fan, 6" turkey on whole wheat is only 270 calories. Sometimes I even splurge and get taco bell, their fresco menu isn't too bad. Good luck with the appointment and with your choices!