I hate eating out



  • mariahruby
    mariahruby Posts: 130 Member
    you are only human, and as humans we all make mistakes. people should not be hard on you for this. someone up top wrote something about how if you were truly commited that you would have been better prepared. which i think that they should not be so judgemental. you are committed, or else you wouldn't have even thought about poor choices. you only ate half of everything. that's an accomplishment!! before this whole experience you probably would have eaten all of everything. so congrats on realizing your booboos! don't beat yourself up at all. i have one of those kind of days alll the time. you just have to get back on the wagon asap and forget about the past:)
  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    Wow. Some of you sound like MFP gospel thumpers. Let he/she who has not slipped once, cast the first cauliflower. And eating 3 meals hasn't worked for me in a while. I eat 5 smaller meals. If I want a snack, I reach for 3 cups of watermelon. It's a fat burning food. Google it. Good thing it's in season now. Much cheaper. Anyway, once again, don't beat yourself up over it.

    Thank you! Not that I was feeling beaten down, but a little judged. I know it happens and I have fallen off the wagon and gotten back on a number of times and that's ok with me. It was my Monday morning vent session and I appreciate the support Gilbrod!

    You're in your right to feel judged, IMHO some of those comments were a little harsh. I can't eat 3 meals a day and not snack. That STOPS my metabolism, and I wasn't losing weight. I lose weight best when I allow myself 5-6 small meals a day. *shrug* maybe it's just me, but I'm here to support others, not judge.
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    I have bought a salad from Sheetz that was already prepared and it was low calorie...perfectly proportioned...and another time I bought 4 hard boiled eggs and put a few slices of cheese with it...it can be done! You can usually fine apples and bananas at many gas stations as well.

    I agree, the easiest way is to plan ahead...or always carry some type of emergency food (mine is an atkins bar or south beach bar)...and for get togethers that will have chips, I take red pepper slices with hummus...travels pretty good!

    As for those times you cannot take something...use the mobile tools on your phone to try to make the best possible choice...!!!!!

    Good luck!!!!!