This might be a stupid question...

but particularly when I run, I get really bad blisters on my feet. I've tried so many shoes styles and made sure they're well fitting etc, but nothings helping at the moment! Does anyone have any bright ideas to stop my feet getting so sore? Thanks!!


  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    I had some real blister problems when I started running. I wrapped my feet, wore socks, and got a better-fitting pair of shoes.

    In terms of soreness, I would recommend icing if you are just getting back into running.
  • AllyV0621
    AllyV0621 Posts: 81
    go to a running store and get fitted for a pair of shoes. they won't be cheap but it'll be worth it.
  • LilChickPea
    LilChickPea Posts: 122 Member
    Make sure you have decent socks. I try to buy socks with the least amount of cotton in them. It really does make the difference. Plus, everyone else is right... definitely go to a running store and get fitted for a proper pair of running shoes.

    Happy Running:smile:
  • Beebs33
    Beebs33 Posts: 262
    Some people say to wear a 1/2 size to a full size bigger than normal shoe for running. If they are really horrible though I would go to a running store. I suggest Asics Nimbus or Kayano.
  • bigalfantasy2004
    bigalfantasy2004 Posts: 176 Member
    I've read up on this because of my own issues. What works for me is lotioning my feet. I like to use an aloe vera lotion. I usually wear two pair of running socks also when running. I like to make sure there are no weak spots in the socks which tend to cause my blisters. I've heard you can buy lubricants at running stores that help, but I believe they are similar to hand lotion but I'm not 100% sure about that.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    but particularly when I run, I get really bad blisters on my feet. I've tried so many shoes styles and made sure they're well fitting etc, but nothings helping at the moment! Does anyone have any bright ideas to stop my feet getting so sore? Thanks!!

    Do your shoes actually fit?

    Are you wearing sweat-wicking, synthetic socks?
  • Shannoncore
    Shannoncore Posts: 135
    you can get moleskin and put it in areas that you are prone to getting blisters. will keep it from rubbing your feet.
  • bovbjerg
    bovbjerg Posts: 172 Member
    Not really a solution but have you tried "mole skin" (buy it at the drug store in the same aisle as the bandages). Cut a piece to fit the area that usually gets sore and put it on before your start your run - it definitely has saved me when breaking in new shoes!!!
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    I've heard vasoline would help prevent blisters....
  • rachel871
    rachel871 Posts: 113 Member
    go to a running store and get fitted for a pair of shoes. they won't be cheap but it'll be worth it.

    I agree - if there's a Decathlon or proper running store near you, go there... The good stores get you running on a treadmill to measure how you run and where you put your weight etc... They will then recommend the best shoes for you...

    I was in agony with blisters until I got some decent running shoes - they weren't too expensive (around £50 i think) but they're so much better now - and it's actually easier to run in good shoes!!

    Good luck! :)
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    There's a few things you can do that I know for sure will work. Years ago I did a 60 km in 2 days, and only had 2 tiny little blisters while other people had worn off their toe nails and had the entire bottoms of their feet blistered up.

    If you go to a proper running store (eg Running Room), tell them what you do and the problems you are experiencing. They will fit you properly with a good pair of shoes to meet your specific needs. (bringing in your old runners is helpful as it will show them where you put pressure due to the wear marks.)

    Also get good moisture wick away socks. When you go running switch your socks to a fresh pair about half way through. Keeping your feet dry is crucial to avoiding blisters.

    Lastly, there is a runner's gel you can apply that works wonders. It goes on kinda like a deoderant stick, and you can put it all over the bottom of your feet, and the tops of your toes. Its also good for between the thighs, and underarms as well. It basically prevents friction. Seriously, you won't believe the difference with this stuff.

    I hope that helps. :)
  • cowpoke06
    cowpoke06 Posts: 171
    I have the same issues on my toes...i dunno if this is weird but the bottoms of my toes that flatten out as you put pressure on my feet are I walk on them with the toe next to it. When I start running decent distances I get blisters. I have a great pair of running shoes that I got fitted for so that's not the issue. I know a marathon runner and I asked him. Here's what he said:

    1) DON'T WEAR COTTON SOCKS!!! Cotton holds moisuture which is causing sliding in the shoe and that friction is what causes blisters. YOu definitely want to splurge for the more expense moisture whicking athletic socks.

    2) Try tape. I bought just some plain jane white athletic tape to wrap my individual toes so that the friction is between the tape, not my skin.

    3) Buy foot powder. Not like athletes foot but powder to keep your foot dry. The only thing I could find at meijer that wasn't medicated for athlete's foot was called name...but you just powder your feet before putting on your socks.

    All of these things work to stop as much friction as possible causing the blisters. Now, my problem is strictly my toes and this is what works for me, even though it's kind of a process. I haven't needed to recently because I'm not running as long as I'm doing the c25k so I'm not running long enough to cause me any blisters right now.
  • tigerrohr1969
    my daughter is a runner for a couple of years now and she is on here...tmcowan...anyway...she has always said, start slow, then make sure you have a "good" pair of running (only) shoes....I have checked out the cost of some of her shoes and they are very expensive (can't be found at payless) . that may help with your blisters and sore feet. Another runner here that I can recommend is "yogarunner"...she can probably help...
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    talcum powder (or even deodorant) and non-cotton socks!
  • vicksters31
    vicksters31 Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks for all your advice! Theres definitely some great tips I'll try and hopefully they'll work better than covering my feet in several layers of cotton wool and tape under 2 pairs of socks whcih is what I resorted to today haha!
  • VickyT1978
    VickyT1978 Posts: 29 Member
    Thorlos socks and duck tape!

    The thorlos socks are a dual layer sock which should stop most of the irritation and for and recurring areas it's worth covering the area in duck tape - sounds weird I know.

    If you are still running before your blisters have healed I would recommend compeed blister plasters, they create a synthetic skin over the blister as well as offering some padding.

    For me it doesn't seem to matter what trainers I wear I still get sore bits.

    Happy running.