Suggestions for Exercising with a young one around



  • aliakat
    aliakat Posts: 16
    The Wiggles -- I forgot to mention The Wiggles. I know some parents can't stand them, but I guarantee if you do the dances along with these hyper energetic guys and their tireless dance crew, you will get a full aerobic workout!! I never realized the benefits until trying to do the ENTIRE video, not just one or two dances, with my son one day. I was dead on my feet!! I don't have rhythm or coordination, but still -- I now swear by THE WIGGLES :D Have fun!!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm the mother of 2 and a half year old twin boys and what I do is either try to get in a workout during nap-time (which is almost non-existant anymore) or after they go to bed at 9pm. It's not ideal, but it's when you can fit it in right? Also, I'll ask my husband to watch the children before or after dinner for an hour, or sometimes mid-afternoon if he's working the evening shift, so I can get my workout in before 9pm. I just do what I can. During the day, I go for walks with my kids, clean the house. I make sure i'm lightly active during the day, and yeah, sometimes my workouts dont happen until 9 or 10pm and YES it's extremely hard, especially with the type of workouts that I'm doing (c25k, chaLEAN extreme, turbofire, etc). It's not easy, but who ever said it would be right? I make the time because I want it bad enough.
  • cecrossley
    cecrossley Posts: 46
    I have a 4.5 year old, an almost 3 year old and a 6 month old. Finding the time can really be tough. I can manage walks with the whole brood, but it isn't really a workout- it's more for them than me. My cardio is 99% of the time done by running outside. My husband doesn't leave for work until later in the morning, so I get up and go before then. I set an alarm for 6:30, if my baby HAS been up and eaten recently, I go right then. If not, I feed him and take him with me in the jogger. I live in WA and the weather is nasty, but if I want to run, it's the sacrifice I have to make. I HAVE taken everyone to the gym and put them in the day care, but after an epic tantrum, I banned my oldest from there. ;) I would love to be able to get more toning in, but when the kids are in full swing, it's nearly impossible during the day. I agree with the others, you will have to MAKE the time. Either before your baby gets up, while they nap, or when they go down. It really is hard to make the choice, but after a few weeks, it will seem like routine and you won't want to skip it. I even made a point to get up at 4:30 am this last Saturday so I could get my long training run in before my husband had to be at work (7am). I am NOT a morning person, but I was actually excited to be up and doing it!