Water consumption and 5 a day.

I have difficulty with eating and it's bought up a few facts i've been told by my cousin who's a nutritionist and a few doctors and i wanted some personal opinions on.

Water consumption:
You're told to drink 2litres of water a day but this isn't actually accurate. It doesn't take into account the water in food and other drinks. It varies per person if you are very sport you should be drink more.

5 a day:
There are no facts to back up that you need 5 pieces of fruit and veggies a day, it's actually a government idea (i'm not a conspiracist !!!) because of the high levels of obesity in England. Obviously eating fruit and veg is good for you but it's not actually 5 a day it's just a made up number!

Thoughs ? I'm not telling people to drink less or more and same with the fruit and vegetables just wanted to hear peoples opinions. Hope everyone's well!


  • Hernandezedw
    Hernandezedw Posts: 284
    I agree with you on the water. As long as you get your vitamins, it doesn't matter how much you eat. I'm sure it all varies person to person.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I have difficulty with eating and it's bought up a few facts i've been told by my cousin who's a nutritionist and a few doctors and i wanted some personal opinions on.

    Water consumption:
    You're told to drink 2litres of water a day but this isn't actually accurate. It doesn't take into account the water in food and other drinks. It varies per person if you are very sport you should be drink more.

    5 a day:
    There are no facts to back up that you need 5 pieces of fruit and veggies a day, it's actually a government idea (i'm not a conspiracist !!!) because of the high levels of obesity in England. Obviously eating fruit and veg is good for you but it's not actually 5 a day it's just a made up number!

    Thoughs ? I'm not telling people to drink less or more and same with the fruit and vegetables just wanted to hear peoples opinions. Hope everyone's well!

    It is difficult to get the required vitamins and minerals unless you eat 5-7 fruit and veggies/day (mostly veggies) this is why it is a recommendation.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I once read that to get a good number for water consumption, you should take your weight in lbs and divide by 2 and that's how many ounces you need to drink. Obviously more active people need more. I've never researched the truth of this because water consumption is not a problem for me.
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    The food pyramid, in my opinion, is skewed. I hate that bread is the base (since the gov't subsidizes wheat farmers) because you don't really need THAT much bread in your day. Could you imagine eating 8 cups of pasta in one day?!

    I live by the rule that I try to eat as many things that are healthy for me, so that includes fruit and veg. I love when I go above 3-5 a day and try to do better when I am below that number. As for water, it's the best thing for you to drink, so aiming to work an extra 8oz into your day is a great goal.
  • julia23
    julia23 Posts: 87
    Thank you for the replies!
    My cousin was also saying how much the recommend dinner plate has changed and now it's mostly carbs where as before it was protein!
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    I think 5 a day is a lot. Veggies i don't have problems but fruit, yeah, that's a lot and every single day? whoa, lots of sugar.
    I believe in drinking lots of water though, 2-3 liters a day is my goal. If helps me feel better, lost weight and keeps my insides happy and my skin too :-)
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    When they say 5 a day of fruit and veggies, they mean together. Fruits and veggies used to be 2 separate categories on the pyramid, they have just recently been combined because most American's weren't eating enough veggies and were eating too many fruits so to make them feel better "they" combined them. Really, 1-2 fruits a day is adequate, therefore leaving 3-4 servings of veggies a day which is only 3-4 cups for most veggies, which isn't a ton if you are talking a big vegetable like broccoli or green beans.
  • kiwipez
    kiwipez Posts: 144
    Thank you for the replies!
    My cousin was also saying how much the recommend dinner plate has changed and now it's mostly carbs where as before it was protein!

    I've been told the dinner plate should be 1/2 veggies, 1/4 protien and 1/4 carbs - I don't remember where I heard that from.

    Also with the water - for losing weight I have to drink 80-100 ounces (not sure what that works out to in litres) and more if I do really sweaty exercise.