I Keep Loosing And Gaining Back The Same Two Pounds?



  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    If you have upped your exercise then its highly likely you will see slight gains...your muscles hold onto fluids to help repair and refuel the next work out. Weight the day after exercise is likely to rise, a couple of days later it will drop only to be repeated. This will even out eventually as your body becomes more used to the routine

    Watch sodium, and drink plenty and above all else don't get disheartened...i'm currently in a stall and although I know the first couple of weeks of that stall was my fault for slacking off a little the last week or so I've been angelic and still the number stays the same...I even got on the scales holding a 10lb weight just in case they were bust! I'm not letting it get me down just yet tho...I've seen several inches disappear while my weight has stayed the same...i'm guessing and hoping my body is playing catch up.