IS It Possible To Go From A Size 16 To a Size 6

romzana Posts: 86 Member
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
My Sisters Getting married and i want to get down to a size 6 for the wedding is it possible if i stay on a strict healthy diet

No Junk food at all

Some Tips would be helpful


  • Hernandezedw
    Hernandezedw Posts: 284
    It's possible. But, you have to take your time. I don't know about in time for a wedding. I imagine it wouldn't be healthy. But if you work out, build muscle, and eat right, you can definitely get there.
  • JennaLee1486
    JennaLee1486 Posts: 101 Member
    That depends on when the wedding is!
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    For an answer to your title of this post look at the postings under success stories.
  • JessPaul93016
    JessPaul93016 Posts: 119 Member
    It is possible. There is a topic in the success stories titled New "after" Picture of my wife... Size 16 to size 6, you may want to check it out
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Yep, you're looking at someone who did! I started a size 16/18 in January of 2010. I'm currently wearing size 6 pants. I'm between a 6 and an 8 depending on the store, but it's entirely possible. I have hit some plateaus, including a 5 month one that I'm just breaking out of. But it'll take dedication and mixing things up when they start to stall. But you can totally do it. :)
  • mariahruby
    mariahruby Posts: 130 Member
    i would say the answer is yes. but, it does depend on when the wedding is. you don't want to be dropping those pounds at an unhealthy speed or an unhealthy way! :) good luck
  • spr_chkn
    spr_chkn Posts: 48
    Yes, it's completely possible. I've done it before - but I don't remember how (lol). Probably not the healthy way! But that's why I'm here... to do it right this time :blushing:
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    It's possible but it takes time. I went from a 14 and am 6 (in most stores) now, but it took a solid 7-8 months.

    Also, I eat junk food. It's tasty.
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    My Sisters Getting married and i want to get down to a size 6 for the wedding is it possible if i stay on a strict healthy diet

    No Junk food at all

    Some Tips would be helpful

    I went from a 24 to an 8 ... it's possible, but to do it safely, it takes time and not some fad diet ... and you didn't mention when the wedding is scheduled to take place ...
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Well, it IS possible (I've gone from a 18/20 to a 8/10), but it really depends on when the wedding is. It's taken me quite awhile (more than a couple years) to get my weight all the way down AND maintain it.
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    Well, it IS possible (I've gone from a 18/20 to a 8/10), but it really depends on when the wedding is. It's taken me quite awhile (more than a couple years) to get my weight all the way down AND maintain it.

    You and I could almost be two peas in a pod :)
  • biggerpix
    biggerpix Posts: 96
    It is. I have gone from a 16 to a size 8. It took me 6 months, but I did it. Just be realistic or you'll set yourself up for disappointment
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    My Sisters Getting married and i want to get down to a size 6 for the wedding is it possible if i stay on a strict healthy diet

    No Junk food at all

    Some Tips would be helpful

    Yes you can do it on a "STRICT" diet... but ask yourself this, can you maintain this diet throughout the rest of your life? if not. You'll fall off the wagon and gain the weight back,and more because you'd have less muscle mass due to the low caloric diet.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    Yes, it is possible. I went from a size 18/20 to a size 6/8, but it has taken me 16 months of serious commitment to diet and exercise. It is important to note that I started seeing results a lot faster once I added heavy weight-training to my routine. I lost 3 dress sizes (14 to 8) in 3 months by adding the weights to my regular cardio workouts.
  • erinhale
    erinhale Posts: 137 Member
    Keep in mind it took some years to put on that weight, it won't come of in days. Commiting to logging food, exercising 4-6 days ( I know that sounds like alot of exercise but if you want to drastically change your body, it take 4-6 days of hard exercise), and replenishing your calories burned, you will lose healthy weight and keep it off. Don;t fall it to fad diets liek the soup diet or lemonaide deit. Don't waste your money of pills, they DON'T work.

    Check craigslist or your local gym for personal trainers that are affordable. A few session now and then can really make your sucess. Commit to a 4-6 day workout plan, have a set plan as in Monday: this, Tuesday:that, exct.... my blog has free workouts, great food ideas, and tons of info. I don;t get paid to endorse anyones products, I don't make money of my blog, so this is 100% non-biast information. I have been in the fitness industry for 7 years and I know ALOT.

    BUt to anwser your first question is it possible? Yes. Last Jan 2010 I was 210, I am now 130. But it took a commtiment to exercise 4-6 times a week, eat correctly, replace my calories, and really COMMIT to it.
  • bonnienm
    bonnienm Posts: 329 Member
    Yes it is, I did it in about 6 months! I cut followed the calories recommended on here and walked 4 mph for an hour a day most days of the week. I cut wayyyyy back on my sugar intake (wish I could do it again) and ate healthy food, more veggies and fruit. Good luck and even if you don't make it to the 6 by the wedding when ever it is you'll still look and feel better if you're losing. I hadn't met my goal weight by the time of my son's wedding but I don't HATE the pics of me (only technically had 5 lbs to go)!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    That depends, how long do you have? A year or more? Maybe (in my head I cannot calculate how many pounds a size 16 is and how many a size 6 is). Less than 6 months, no way, not in a healthy way anyway.

    Also, it depends on your body type. When I was at my skinniest last year I had lost 50 pounds, but I was wearing a size 10 in pants. I could have maaaaybe made it down to an 8, but just the way my body and bone structure and muscles are made up, I'll never be any smaller than an 8. My husband says that's being negative, I say it's being realistic and it is what it is.

    Just remember, to do it the healthy way and help keep it off, it's recommended that you don't shoot for more than a pound a week. Some weeks you may lose more, some less but don't shoot for more. So if you have 50 pounds to lose, it would take roughly 50 weeks (about a year) but keep in mind you may hit plateues in there, so I would budget for more time (or less pounds lost, whichever works) so that you can stay realistic and not lose focus.
  • goaliema
    goaliema Posts: 150 Member
    great question and some great answers...bump
  • I know for me personally, I cant take it off in a night or a a day it took me 44 years to get this way.

    So back to the Gym I go with a smile, I gotta finish walking my one millionth mile !
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    Of course it's possible. There are many people who have done it. And you can do it, too. But, someone else's wedding is not likely to be enough motivation to get you through the hard work and careful attention that a year-long weight loss journey requires. And at least a year is what your expectation should be. I would suggest getting a little bit introspective and start finding some reasons that you would like to be a smaller and healthier YOU, regardless of any event that will crop up in your life. That is motivation that will sustain you.
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