Hi I'm Steph and here's my story!

Harkins86 Posts: 58 Member
Hi all,

So I've been on here a little while now and I think I am ready to introduce myself. I live in Southampton, England, I am 5'8 and 24 years old. My weight has gone up and down since school mainly becasue I really enjoy food and tend to put on weight if I stop concentrating on what I am eating. Two years ago I lost about 30lbs and was155lbs and was really happy with my body. I met my lovely man, moved and got a new job and ended up putting on 10lbs over the winter. I was a bit disappointed but my lifestyle is much more active during the summer and I knew I could get it off again. After a few months I got back to my summer weight :-) Last winter there was an added complication though, I was having a lot of migraines and so I was put on Propranolol. Now I can't say that it was the only reason I put on so much weight, but as it slows your resting heart rate and significantly reduces your maximum heart rate, I'm sure it had something to do with it. So in February I found myself at my highest weight of 190lbs. I could not believe I'd let myself get to that point. I started C25K, started cycling to work and have recently started the 30 day shred. I have been reducing my dosage according to doctors orders and can feel my heart rate increasing. So with the fantastic support of my boyfriend, friends and family I am back on my way to a slimmer me again, CW 178 lbs. The best thing about MFP for me is the people, you all make me believe that my goals are achieveable. Please keep the words of wisdom coming and add me if you like!!



  • ashleigh2311
    ashleigh2311 Posts: 105 Member
    o crap.

    Ive just been put on propranalol about a week ago because i was having panic attacks far too frequently.

    Is the future of my diet now screwed?

    What dose were you on???

    The doctors dont know im on a diet because i had anorexia a few years ago and i dont like to tell them because i dont want them to start freaking out and assuming its going that way again because its not.
  • Stephene41
    Stephene41 Posts: 5 Member
    Sound like you are headed in the right direction. Don't put your self down for the weight gain. We all loe track along the way, but we eventually get back on. Sometimes it takes some of us longer than others. Keep your head high and keep pushing forward. :smile:
  • Angila
    Angila Posts: 91 Member
    Way to go Steph!!! You hang in there girl!!!
  • Harkins86
    Harkins86 Posts: 58 Member
    I was on 120-80 mg /day at the beginning. I think they usually prescribe a lower dose for anxiety. When my dose was down to 40-60mg /day I was able to loose the weight but it was a bit harder than usual. I have spoken to people that didn't put on weight too! So you might not!

    i'm sorry to hear you suffered with anorexia, it a very cruel disease. As long as the people around you know what you are doing, that should be ok. If it makes you more anxious because you don't want to put on weight maybe you could try something else.

    I hope your panic attacks improve, the tablets really do chill you out!

    Good luck and let me know how you get on xx
  • noble1987
    noble1987 Posts: 132
    Hello Steph!

    My name is Claire, I'm 23 and 5ft 4 and also from Southampton!!!

    You was recommended to me by another good MFP Friend called 4Lafz...

    There is SO much about you and your story that I can relate too! I have been a keen member and daily user of MFP for about a year and a half now and have successfully lost 2 stone so fair. However, I am currently on 'leave' (if you like) as 2 months ago I found out I was pregnant. To this day I am 12 weeks gone and gaining everyday (for the right reasons).

    Anyway, I will be back on and working hard looking for EXTRA support and providing support equally in return in January 2012. I was hoping that seems we are both on par and coincidentally from the same area... maybe we could be friends?!

    As I said, at the moment I only log on every 2 weeks or so to give my friends an update of my pregnancy who is following... but would LOVE to know that I have a support network of friends waiting for me on my return and help me shift my extra gut load I will have (and already am) gaining :)

    But for the mean time, I wish you every success using MFP and can only pray it brings you success like myself most people I know you religiously use the site (it can be very addictive) and as you said yourself, everyone here is AMAZING.

    Love Claire xXx
  • kenuk1
    kenuk1 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi all,

    So I've been on here a little while now and I think I am ready to introduce myself. I live in Southampton, England, I am 5'8 and 24 years old. My weight has gone up and down since school mainly becasue I really enjoy food and tend to put on weight if I stop concentrating on what I am eating. Two years ago I lost about 30lbs and was155lbs and was really happy with my body. I met my lovely man, moved and got a new job and ended up putting on 10lbs over the winter. I was a bit disappointed but my lifestyle is much more active during the summer and I knew I could get it off again. After a few months I got back to my summer weight :-) Last winter there was an added complication though, I was having a lot of migraines and so I was put on Propranolol. Now I can't say that it was the only reason I put on so much weight, but as it slows your resting heart rate and significantly reduces your maximum heart rate, I'm sure it had something to do with it. So in February I found myself at my highest weight of 190lbs. I could not believe I'd let myself get to that point. I started C25K, started cycling to work and have recently started the 30 day shred. I have been reducing my dosage according to doctors orders and can feel my heart rate increasing. So with the fantastic support of my boyfriend, friends and family I am back on my way to a slimmer me again, CW 178 lbs. The best thing about MFP for me is the people, you all make me believe that my goals are achieveable. Please keep the words of wisdom coming and add me if you like!!


    Great story, good luck with what you're doing!
  • ThosePeskyMoomins
    I'm from Southampton too! And I can relate to the medication issue with putting weight on. It makes it a lot harder to maintain a decent weight, and certainly harder to lose it. It's good that you're active enough, aside from helping to get the weight off it just makes a huge difference to how you feel. It sounds like you're doing amazingly though!
    How are you finding the 30 Day Shred? I'm about to start it but I have a feeling I'm going to struggle to keep to it!