How often should I weigh in?

mama2reagan Posts: 23
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Just wondering how often I should weigh in. I am so gun shy about this after being in weight watchers. My mentality is still in the "no weighing in for a week" thing. The scale stares at me in the bathroom everyday and I actually hate the thing. Also, how do I get out of the "weight watchers" mentality? As soon as I even think about eating something, I start feeling guilty! I hate that. So when I actually do eat, I never enjoy it, I am just eating and feeling guilty.


  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    Hi Mama,
    This is a total personal preference. Some will tell you no more often than once a week, while others will tell you daily. Myself, I weigh in daily. I find it is what keeps ME more accountable to what I am doing both with my diet and exercise.
    I can tell you that this last weekend was hard on me -- graduations/parties for three days and so busy, I honestly was too tired and had no time to get my walks in. But today, I am back at it (at least with the walking -- my diet was so good at lunch as our cooks fixed the teachers' choice and it was a potato and sundae bar -- GREAT food, not so great for weight loss though!)
    Good luck, and do what works for YOU!
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    i weigh once a week on mondays....i was weighing on wed. but im doing a challenge on MFP and we are weighing monday mornings....i know people who weigh DAILY i dont think that's healthy, i think that's fanatical and obsessive.....try not to obsess with food and eat to live not live to eat...
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Just wondering how often I should weigh in. I am so gun shy about this after being in weight watchers. My mentality is still in the "no weighing in for a week" thing. The scale stares at me in the bathroom everyday and I actually hate the thing. Also, how do I get out of the "weight watchers" mentality? As soon as I even think about eating something, I start feeling guilty! I hate that. So when I actually do eat, I never enjoy it, I am just eating and feeling guilty.

    I weighin weekly and don't worry about it... plan your meals ahead of time. I actually will put my food in for the day and see where I am at on unused calories to see if I should add food or add time to a workout :laugh:
  • lydt5880
    lydt5880 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey I stopped weight watchers after being with them for 4 years to concentrate on this. I weigh in every other week normally to see good results apart from for 7 weeks i am part of challenge where i must weigh in weekly. I only measure once a month to see benefits too. Don't feel guilty about eating, we do it to survive and also as PLEASURE!!! Do you have a treat day?? I have lost 18lbs so far having one treat day a week. Hope this helps. And again please DON'T feel guilty.

  • amandawitt
    amandawitt Posts: 1
    First of all you should never feel guilty about eating, especially when eating the right thing. Food is nourishment and our body NEEDS it. This may help it may not but, I eat breakfast, then a couple hours later I have a snack like grapes, then a couple hours later I eat lunch, then a couple hours later I have another snack, and then a couple hours I eat dinner. If I dont eat that often I starve and get cranky, Im not kidding lol. I've actually found that when I eat good things for me I feel way better about myself. I also allow myself three bad meals a week, therefore I don't get the craving for pizza hut pizza as intensely or feel guilty when I eat it and when I dont eat three bad meals a week Im proud of myself! :) I would say weigh in when you feel like it. If you are working out and eating right and you feel better, then chances are your losing weight. Take the scale out of your bathroom so its not "staring" at you and eat better for you, if the weight comes off then it comes off and you'll feel it! :) Good luck!!!
  • aml31
    aml31 Posts: 57
    Once a week for me. Every Friday unless its my TOM in which case I may skip a few days and weigh when it's over.
    I suggest hiding your scale so you cant see it, that helps me from weighing myself too often.
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    I weigh in once a week, just because it happens to be convenient for me. Plus, I don't want to be dependent on the number on the scale - I track my progress not only in weight lost, but inches lost and how I feel as each day goes by. =D
  • i weigh weekly only because I like to see how BIG or little my results re at the end of the week. It's more of a surprise for me. When I used to weigh daily, if I would lose weight I would be happy but if I gained i'd get all bummed. So I stick with Fridays that way I can see my progress from my hard work all week!
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    i weigh once a week on mondays....i was weighing on wed. but im doing a challenge on MFP and we are weighing monday mornings....i know people who weigh DAILY i dont think that's healthy, i think that's fanatical and obsessive.....try not to obsess with food and eat to live not live to eat...

    Quite frankly, I am getting a bit annoyed with all the people saying that weighing daily is "fanatical" and "obsessive." I get that it's not for everyone, really, I do! I get that some people might have obsessive personalities and that weighing daily is probably a poor choice for them, since it will stress them out unduly. BUT. Not everyone who weighs daily is fanatical or obsessive and it's really quite rude to be telling people (like me!) that we are. I weigh daily because it keeps me on track and I like becoming familiar with my body's fluctuations. I like knowing how a high sodium day will affect my water retention. I'm a scientist and I believe that more data points are better than fewer - that in the end I'll have a much better picture of my weight loss journey, with all of its ups and downs, than I will if I weighed once a week. Furthermore, if I weigh daily, then I don't risk weighing on a "heavier" day once a week and thinking that I'm not making any progress, when in fact I am.

    Anyways, to the OP - do whatever you're most comfortable with. It sounds like you have some emotional issues attached to the scale. It could be that weighing less frequently than once a week will help you get over them - to hide your scale and check back in in a month. Or it could be that weighing daily and tracking your body's natural fluctuations will make you more comfortable with them. I really don't know - you could try both ways and see what works best? If you try daily weighing and you are finding it is stressing you too much, then stop and go back to a less frequent weighing. It really is dependent on your personality! Best of luck on your journey!
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