Good workout=Sweat?

I realized today that when I am doing my home workouts I'm not really sweating. I've been doing a full body balance ball routine and I've been walking but none of it really gets me worked up like I used to get at the gym.

Unfortunately due to time, money and chldcare restraints it is not possible at this time for me to go to the gym for any period of time, however I used to go for about 1-2 hours.

When I get done with my walks or workout routine (and during) I can feel the burn like I am doing something, but am I doing myself an injustice because I am not working up a sweat? Or is it just my imagination?


  • Janet39
    Janet39 Posts: 280 Member
    All movement is good, but if you can get a sweat up you will be burning more calories in that space of time.

    The knack is to push yourself a little bit further all the time :smile:
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Sweat doesn't equate to a good workout. I can just walk outside on a really hot day and I'll sweat. You may just be working out in a cooler climate and your body doesn't heat up as much. Sweat is just a mechanism to cool off the body, not an indication of how hard you are working.
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    what im about to say is just ME ok....
    i love to sweat.....when i do an hour on the elliptical i can feel the sweat rolling down my back and i KNOW ive done i feel it burn, do my legs ache and bother me, absolutely.....burning is good but i feel as though if i dont sweat i really havent done anything.....maybe this sounds fanatical a little bit.....sweat, in my opinion, lets meknow that my heart is working and pumping and keeping me going so i can push a little harder......i guess it's a perspective thing.....but as long as you are feeling the burn and enjoying what youre doing i say keep going!! hope this helps somewhat
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    Are you working out in your basement, where it's a little cooler than the rest of the house? I find that when the temp in my gym is a few degrees lower, I don't sweat very much, yet I burn more calories according to my HRM. So, sweat is NOT indicative of a good workout.
  • mariahruby
    mariahruby Posts: 130 Member
    i think that everyone's body works differently and sweats differently. so i wouldn't worry too much about not sweating. i do zumba for an hour and i sweat on my back and on my forehead a little bit and i know that i am getting a workout and that i am moving to the fullest of my ability. and there are other people in the class that within the first two songs are just drenched in sweat and they are hardly moving. so, i think it depends on the person:)
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    If you feel like you are toning your body and you are losing weight, I think you okay.

    Yes sweating is good way to know you are working off calories, but you can still burn them without it. A benefit of sweating is it is great for the skin. Maybe your not drinking enough water to be able to sweat. Sometimes it means you are a little dehydrated.

    But all and all, I think you are doing great. You don't have much more to lose and judging by your picture, you slim and fit.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I don't really sweat much. I am just not a big sweater. I know I am burning cals as I have borrowed my husband's HRM.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Sweat just means your body is trying to cool itself off, and is a passive form tempurature control. Therefore it does not increase calorie burn. If anything, and don't think this matters enough for you to take into account, your body burns more calories when it's trying to warm itself up. (Like shivering, an active form of tempurature control)

    The only thing working up a sweat means is you need to replenish your fluids.
  • Starkle09
    Starkle09 Posts: 238 Member
    I would imagine that the gym is a lot warmer than ur home...u have other peoples body heat and poor air conditioning in the gym. If your working out i wouldnt really put too much thought into how much u sweat. moving is the important part