Slap Some Sense into Me

I figure as I am essentially anonymous here, I don't mind posting so you all can say, "quit being a *****" or whatever.

I can't seem to get a girl off my mind and she's just left town for what is essentially the summer. I might get to see her for a total of two weeks throughout the remainder.

On the record, I can't say that I've ever been in love [except with myself] and I've had my share of girls. I can't tell if I am just reacting to the fact that I "can't have" this one or if it is something else.

Either way, straighten me out.


  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    SMACK!!!! Now that we've gotten that out of the way............. How well do you know her? Have you had a friendship or relationship with her which may be leading to feelings for her? If not it may be wanting what you can't have. Ask yourself what draws you to her. if it's just physical then forget it but if she lights up your day then it may be more. Good luck loverboy!!!
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    Que sera, sera. There are other fish in the sea and countless other platitudes.

  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Do you have contact info for her? Is she okay with you calling her or emailing her? Or will it end up being interpreted as stalking?

    If she's okay with you calling/texting/emailing her over the summer, go ahead and do it. You may find out you have nothing at all in common, or that you really like each other. You can build a relationship on something other than the physical, and see if you like where it's going. It's not like you're making a commitment by it, and I am sure you both would understand that, right?
  • Random_Name
    Random_Name Posts: 77
    @Steph: We've been friends for about a year but I've graduated college a few years ago and she still has a year to go. So we talk/text a few times a week. I guess that answers julz' question too.

    It's kind of a weird scenario. When she was first coming back two weeks ago, I was thinking I could get a hook-up or two in there and then move on (which, frankly, is how I treat most everyone else). In fact, in the three days since she's gone, we've talked a few times and it has been continued flirting. But let's get serious. I was in college...I know what life is like there. And I'm not trying to be her ball and chain*.

    @ket: That's what I would normally think. I don't know why I can't think that about this one.

    * That said, I can be a sex camel. I'd just very much prefer not to be. It's also worth noting that when it rains, it thunderstorms. All sorts of randoms from my past are showing up in the past two days.
  • Random_Name
    Random_Name Posts: 77
    Not to troll for other thoughts, but does anyone else care to share?