cereal killer!



  • LittleMissVintage
    Maybe buy cereal that you can eat more of with less clalories. I eat rice kripies, chex, and cheerios when I'm trying to fix my epic cereal craving because I can have 1 and 1/4 cup of it for about 130 calories ( and you can sweeten them with a zero cal sweetener.). When I deserve a treat or really need a pick me up I'll eat something like special k oats and honey or something sweetened. I also don't like milk so I only put enough on to get the cereal we and drain the rest out.
  • RiaLucia
    RiaLucia Posts: 121
    I bought a box of Raisin Bran (a health store variety) and a half gallon of full-fat raw milk yesterday. I had it for a snack after I got home from the grocery store and I was in heaven. I did, however, measure it out and limit myself to one serving.

    This morning I had 1.33 bowls again and between that and my banana, it was a really lovely breakfast. Huge carb & sugar buster, though, so I'm definitely not looking to have it every day. I'd rather have something more protein based for breakfast and save the cereal for a night time snack if I need to make up some calories.