Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

So I have been trying to lose weight for almost a year now. I work in an office but still get up and moving as much as I can. I go out and jog at lunch time (usually three miles) then at home I do the shred, hip hop abs or some other video. I have been at a plateau for a while now and its so frustrating. I even resorted to buying heathe trim. It gives me energy but then I crash...

I have been going to the doctors for over a year now because I am always tired. I have to force myself to get up and get moving... It took a long time but they finally told me that I have chronic fatigue syndrome. I don't know much about it but as of right now I am on a thyroid pill and a multi vitamin. It really doesnt seem to be helping at all...

I am looking for suggestions and ideas on what to try next...


  • darkhorse43
    darkhorse43 Posts: 70 Member
    I know this is a late reply but I just found your thread. I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome about 19 years ago when I was 13 years old.

    The best thing I have found is a chiropractor that uses applied kineseology. I know it sounds weird but he's done wonders for me. He uses nutritional therapy to work on the many issues CFS results in. For example I go on an anti-yeast diet about once a year. Look it up. Something about doing that keeps my body in line well enough to keep going.

    The other thing I have to do is really pace myself. If I don't feel up to doing something, I don't do it, even if I really want to. It sucks but the consequences of doing it anyway are too great. Ending up in bed for a week because I wanted to go out late is not worth it most of the time.
  • claudyloo
    claudyloo Posts: 3
    I've had cfs for 23 years now since I was 10.

    The only way I've found to deal with it is to do about 50% of what I think I can do (easier said than done when you have kids)

    I have learnt not to go mad and clean the whole house just because I have a bit of energy that day, because I will suffer from it.
    My husband does the weekly shop on the way back from work because if I do it I might aswell right off the rest of the week.
    Delegation is key, even my 2yr old will put his dirty clothes in the laundry.
    Save your energy for the important things( I'm hoping to make it to my kids parent evenings tonight Ididn't make the last one)
    The biggest thing is don't get mad with yourself when you can't do the things you used to (took me about 20yrs to figure that one out lol)
    Good luck with your future. Trust me it can be a good one even with the cfs :)