Is there such a thing as a "free weekend" when dieting??

I'm not totally sure it was a good idea, as i am only half way to my weight goal..but i gave myself a weekend off from dieting and mfp. I was away visiting family and didn't want to be a pain by insisting on cooking my own meals etc. and also i was just dying for some pub nachos and a few beers. I had the nachos and the beer and pretty much whatever else i wanted, but i wouldn't exactly call it a "binge" as i only ate (whatever i wanted) when i was hungry or felt like eating.

Is this poor diet and lack of exercise over the last 2.5 days a major set back for my last 10 pounds goal or is this a reasonable allowance that other mfpers make for themselves?


  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    As long as it's not often, I don't see a problem with it! Keeps your body guessing and metabolism going!
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    you can take a couple of days off. I actually did when I went on vacation 2 weeks ago. I didn't go out of control...but I did eat out and enjoy myself. and got back on track last week and lost 6.8 pounds in a week. I think sometimes the shock of not being exactly at the same calorie intake is a good thing. Tricks your body.

    don't even think about it. Life happens. my life includes birthday cake, dinners out, snacks, treats and candy. I've just learned (and am still learning) how to include them in moderation. They don't need to be every day things.
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    If you look at it like a setback, then it'll become a setback. But, if you look at all the progress you've made and are okay with giving yourself a weekend off because of how far you've come, then why worry about it? The only person who can actually tell you if this is going to be a setback for you is you.

    In my honest opinion, you've gotta give yourself a break every now and then from dieting and exercise. You've gotta let your body and your mind know that you're not depriving yourself from things that diets tell you 'you can't have'.
  • chellymac2010
    Guess it depends on who you ask. We all have an opinion, lol. I"m not giving up my once a week meal @ Rosie's Cantina. My husband and I split the grilled chicken Fajitas. I have to have me some of there white cheese dip, salsa and chips. YUM!!!! I guess I look at it as my reward for doing good all week long. I say, "each his own." Whatever helps you get through.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I used to log every weekend.. now I only log monday through friday and take the weekends off from logging. Do I eat junk during those weekends? Yea..a bit, but then I hop right back on the wagon come monday. I feel thats helped me created some saneness in this calorie-obessed world.. and it also helps me realize that I can make better choices then I used to.
  • Dmbaker1974
    You have to live and enjoy life. Look it as a life style change. Sometimes you are going to attend event, or social.... You can't stop living just because you choose change your eatting habbits.:drinker:
  • kateanne27
    kateanne27 Posts: 275 Member
    I'm thinking I may have to take one in a couple weeks, we are going to visit my parents, who are big foodies, and wine drinkers, and show affection by cooking, and trying to count calories and stuff will be a pain, I know it will all be good, natural, healthy meals, but not strictly calorie controlled. I plan just to be mindful of portions and suggest a hike or two while we are there.
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    I don't see an issue with it. In fact, I have one "cheat meal" a week, so that i can indulge a bit. What I am leaning is that I can make healthier choices even with my cheat meal. So if you are going to have an "off" weekend, just try to make some healthier choices, but don't feel bad for indulging a bit! Just get back on track after :)
  • jed1986
    jed1986 Posts: 6
    Guess it depends on who you ask. We all have an opinion, lol. I"m not giving up my once a week meal @ Rosie's Cantina. My husband and I split the grilled chicken Fajitas. I have to have me some of there white cheese dip, salsa and chips. YUM!!!! I guess I look at it as my reward for doing good all week long. I say, "each his own." Whatever helps you get through.

    Is this your only treat all week? Just curious if you find it works better for you to have one thing to look forward to all week or if you treats yourself with something small everyday? thnx.
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    As long as those 2.5 days don't derail you and cause you to lose focus on your overall health goals, then you should be okay. Just get back to it now. I believe in taking the realistic approach to dieting. Obviously eating healthy should not be a temporary thing. It should be part of your lifestyle. But as someone who enjoys beer and nachos, I can't imagine not having either for the rest of my life. Cutting it out completely would do more harm to my progress than indulging every once in a while would. I would go nuts and my motivation would suffer greatly. You just need to find what works for you.
  • aanddplusoanda
    aanddplusoanda Posts: 189 Member
    I think as long as you're not making it a thing you do every weekend you will be fine. On the weekends, it rough for me because my husband isn't into eating healthy as much as I am...I just pay attention to my body and limit the junk. I also drink a lot of water.