net calories

do I have to meet my net calorie goal for the day? I have 189 calories left for the day (my goal is 1200, but I burned 627 calories so my goal today changed to 1827). Will it be detrimental to not eat the 189, or just 100 of it? Or should I find a snack that's 189 calories so I meet my goal?


  • bren711
    bren711 Posts: 6
    calories in..calories replace what you lost, otherwise your body could go into starvation mode and hold on to the pounds..HTH..
  • perlah
    perlah Posts: 21
  • ImBabyBunny
    ImBabyBunny Posts: 75
    There's a balance to it. In order to lose 2 lbs a week you need to get ride of calories. Burn more than you eat .So you cut Some out of your diet, and you cut some by working out.

    I Never eat ALL my workout calories back. The more you lose weight the more you need to trick you body into losing weight by making smaller changes. You may have to do an experiment. See what happen when you eat them all back. When you don't. And when you eat half. Track your progress too!

    Everyone's different. Take Care!
  • jules524
    jules524 Posts: 4 Member
    super helpful, thank you so much :)
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 480 Member
    I'm going against the grain here, but if you earned 600+ calories from working out and you have 187 to meet that, then I wouldn't worry about it unless you're hungry. You don't HAVE TO eat every single calorie back from working out.