MY SECRET:SugarFree gum/Appetite suppressant? Whats yours??



  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member

    in any shape or form.
    coffee/tea/diet coke/sugarfree redbull/caffeine tablets.

    DO NOT TAKE THIS KIND OF ADVICE----caffeine completely depletes your water in your system... i personally cant loose unless i have tons of water... if im drinking something that depletes my water its completely pointless!!! Tea is fine and helps my appetite but you have to drink decaf or else you cant count it as water and also it depletes your water from your system. Diet drinks--even crystal light--contain caffeine. They r also loaded with chemicals--especially diet pop, that help u NOT loose. I drink any pop and i bloat... and doctors suggest u drink full calorie pop if ur going to drink pop because of how bad for you diet pop is. Redbull and energy drinks r terrible for ur body.. U get plenty of energy from eating healthy, y would u need fake energy on top of that?? id be bouncing off the freakin walls!! I only drink coffee if I need something to help me go #2 cuz eating healthy constipates me.

    Yea, sugar free gum helps, and its not the best for you, but yeah, looking at alternatives its better for you... they contain sugar alcohols and whatever other things...

    I munch on carrots when im hungry... a huge handful of baby carrots is 35calories and lasts me quite awhile; fills me up alot, and filled with viatmin a and potassium. I ahve them everyday just about; especially when its nearly dinner time and im starving but its not dinner time yet, i just need something to tide me over, and gum aint gunna do it for me when im that hungry.

    celery is pretty filling too; but i dont like it as much; i like it, just not love it enough to munch on it.

    I eat 6x a day to manage hunger, and ive lost near 30pounds in 10weeks, without excercise

    Coffee is not as big of a diuretic as people like to think, or have been told.

    Caffeine isn't good for you in large doses, but it is also not a diuretic that is going to dehydrate you, either.
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    I use tic-tac powermints. :) A few of 'em keep my hunger at bay !
  • WarriorWomanMaxine
    WarriorWomanMaxine Posts: 162 Member
    Gum lots of water and raw carrots
  • abyssfully
    abyssfully Posts: 410 Member
    Lots of fresh air. Green tea. :)
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    I'm a car is littered with gum wrappers. You know, another thing that keeps me from eating is brushing my teeth or putting on lipgloss...weird, I know.
  • 3ur3ka
    3ur3ka Posts: 230 Member
    Coffee or a 5 hour energy definitely takes away my appetite :)

    I second this. nomnom coffee makes all the bad things go away.