If you splurge on something.....



  • marji4x
    marji4x Posts: 144 Member
    I try not to beat myself up when it happens. So far it happens once every week or every other week but I keep in mind that I am trying to create a calorie deficit each day (-500 in my case) and so the extra calories aren't making me gain weight, just keeping me from losing as much weight as I could have that week.

    I try to eat right 90% of the time and allow for the ocasional 10% goof-ups. I have a lot of friends who like to eat out so it happens. I try to be careful, I don't always behave myself, but so far I've been steadily losing so if I have a bad weekend I don't hate myself.
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    No guilt: first and foremost. It's just food. And even an entire week of off-the-rails eating is really nothing when you look at your weight-loss journey as a whole.

    That said, I plan most splurges. I think of my calorie deficit in more global terms and tend to look at how I manage things over the course of a week, versus feeling the need to be net-zero every single day. But, that is what works for me, it;s not what works for everyone. So, for an event like Easter, I ate 100 to 200 calories less each day during the five days leading up to the big feast, and allowed myself to splurge with the extra calories on a single day. These are minor increases in deficit, mind you. Not dramatic ups and downs.

    If I accidentally go over calories due to mismanagement, I acknowledge and move on. I use it as motivation to increase my focus for the remainder of the week. I do not increase my deficit or exercise after the fact, simply because I feel there is a difference between planning for extra calories and punishing yourself through restricting food and increasing exercise.
  • pandafoo
    pandafoo Posts: 367 Member
    No guilt: first and foremost. It's just food. And even an entire week of off-the-rails eating is really nothing when you look at your weight-loss journey as a whole.

    nice reminder, yolanda! esp. since for the entire past week, i've been completely off the rails! ;) i used to believe in not having a cheat day, but i think i should plan for a cheat meal once a week. would probably keep me more sane! :)

    generally, if i know i'm going to splurge on a certain food, i will exercise more that day, or go back to normal eating the day after. but i wouldn't make up for a bad day of eating by eating much less the next day. otherwise, i'd come to resent the weight loss journey and feel like i can't enjoy food.

    if you do splurge, let it be without any guilt, and savor every morsel! :)
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I agree with everything that has been said so far. I would add one more thing. Splurge on something you really want not just mindless eating.
  • DustinReiner
    DustinReiner Posts: 157 Member
    Ha, good question.

    For me personally it all "depends" on the splurge or the accidential overage.

    If I've been working out a lot that week or so and have been super disciplined, I'll let myself have a little splurge as a reward. (I’ve read that a reward is good for the psyche every now and then, EVERY now and THEN. Not all the time)

    If I accidently go over, by a small amount. Ok, so I went over by a small amount don’t’ get all bunched up over it. It also keeps me from going all nuts over the small stuff. No penalty!

    If I go over by a couple hundred and I was blatant, or I go out to eat with friends or some other excuse. I penalize myself and work out harder the next time. Either what I call “penalty time” on the bike or some other cardio exercise.

    If I have to cut a workout short for some unforeseen reason, (work, bad timing on my part or some other reason I could of avoided) I penalize myself and do an extra set of sit ups, or more time on the bike.

    If I miss a workout, I make it up on Saturday, usually my day off or extra sets during the week.
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    If I splurge (or have a binge) or a weak momment that put me over my calories...

    I get my butt working out to burn it off!! :)

    everyone goes over sometimes, so don't kick yourself too much. just do some exercise and call it a day.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I don't change anything hthe next day - except for making an effort to keep to my planned calories.
    I had a GREAT splurge on the weekend - high tea in the afternoon, my favourite "haven't-been-there-for-3-years-since-I-moved-away" thai restaurant for dinner and spicy egss in another favourite cafe the next day.
    Now its back to normal programming. Oh, and I still lost .5kg in spite of being at a conference and eating restaurant food for a week. Maybe my body appreciated the change, my head certainly did!