Retaining 10+ lbs of excess water weight.



  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    My suggestion to you is to go to a doctor that you are really comfortable with, one that you feel totally at ease asking questions and one that you think LISTENS to your concerns.

    Here are some things you should have ready for your doctor. Have you kept a log of the water weight, when it started, if you ever have relief from it and if so, how often or quickly does it return? The reason you want this is so your doctor can help rule out your menstrual cycle as the culprit and start focusing on other symptoms.

    If you think it is PMS related some suggestions are to eat much smaller meals, avoid added salt and exercise daily. Also, increase your calcium to 1200mg a day and magnesium to 200-400mg a day. Try some natural dieuretics like tea with dandelion, ginger or juniper in it or find a supplement at a nutrition store made up of one or all three.

    Once you have ruled out PMS you want to ask for blood and urine analysis. Bloating in the abdomen like you are saying you have is definitely a sign something isn't working right. Diseases with water retention in the belly include (but are not limited to) irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, cirrhosis of the liver, cardiomyopathy, gastro intestinal problems and pregnancy. If you have a complete work up done on your blood and urine you can at least rule out some big diseases or get on a medication to help any health related issue so you can start to feel better and reach your goals.

    Not trying to scare, just trying to make the point that you can look for quick fixes or go fix the problem and get long term relief. Good luck, i hope you start to feel better! :flowerforyou:
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member

    You've probably done a ton of research on it, but here's a site....

    Also, it sounds kind of dangerous. I would personally seek out a second opinion.

    Thanks for the link.

    In says:

    "When you repeatedly take laxatives, diuretics or vomit, your body will adapt to being constantly dehydrated by learning to retain more fluid than usual. When you stop these behaviors and start to take a normal diet, your body may continue to retain fluids until it learns that adequate fluid will be available, then it will release the extra fluid. People who abuse laxatives or vomit regularly are at the greatest risk for alternating between dehydration and edema."

    Any idea how long it takes your body to go back to normal from it? I'm recovering from a 12 year battle with bulimia...but it's been a good 10 months since I was purging on a regular basis.

    Congrats on the 10 months, that's great!! The above is a link to a check list for recovery. Have you had a chance to talk with a nuturionalist?

    yes...I'm still in out patient treatment and see a nutritionist once a week at my eating disorders clinic. She says I'm eating great and all.

    That's great! :flowerforyou:

    Has she added in any vitamins or supplements?
    I take a multi...and she wants me to take these digestive enzyme suppliments (to help with the indigestion) but they're too expensive for me to afford right now. :blushing: Plus the indigestion is slowly getting better...I'm able to eat more acidic foods than I used to be able to. :smile:

    That is great :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    You're incredibly strong, especially to share that with all of us. I'm glad you've been able to turn it all around. Really, when you look back, this "bloating" is just another milestone for you. You've been through some rough times, I'm sure, so this oughta be a breeze!

    Let us know how it all turns out!
  • My suggestion to you is to go to a doctor that you are really comfortable with, one that you feel totally at ease asking questions and one that you think LISTENS to your concerns.

    Here are some things you should have ready for your doctor. Have you kept a log of the water weight, when it started, if you ever have relief from it and if so, how often or quickly does it return? The reason you want this is so your doctor can help rule out your menstrual cycle as the culprit and start focusing on other symptoms.

    If you think it is PMS related some suggestions are to eat much smaller meals, avoid added salt and exercise daily. Also, increase your calcium to 1200mg a day and magnesium to 200-400mg a day. Try some natural dieuretics like tea with dandelion, ginger or juniper in it or find a supplement at a nutrition store made up of one or all three.

    Once you have ruled out PMS you want to ask for blood and urine analysis. Bloating in the abdomen like you are saying you have is definitely a sign something isn't working right. Diseases with water retention in the belly include (but are not limited to) irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, cirrhosis of the liver, cardiomyopathy, gastro intestinal problems and pregnancy. If you have a complete work up done on your blood and urine you can at least rule out some big diseases or get on a medication to help any health related issue so you can start to feel better and reach your goals.

    Not trying to scare, just trying to make the point that you can look for quick fixes or go fix the problem and get long term relief. Good luck, i hope you start to feel better! :flowerforyou:

    I'm pretty sure I have IBS...but all my doctor did is prescribe Miralax when I went to her about it...LOL I pretty much never have "normal" BMs...I either have diarrhea 5-6 time a day...or get constipated for up to two weeks at a time. (If I don't take the Miralax, at least.)

    I'm starting to think I may have endometriosis (which I can't spell, sorry LOL) but it would explain my heavy periods, stomach pain and the blood in my urine which they haven't found a cause for yet.

    You've probably done a ton of research on it, but here's a site....

    Also, it sounds kind of dangerous. I would personally seek out a second opinion.

    Thanks for the link.

    In says:

    "When you repeatedly take laxatives, diuretics or vomit, your body will adapt to being constantly dehydrated by learning to retain more fluid than usual. When you stop these behaviors and start to take a normal diet, your body may continue to retain fluids until it learns that adequate fluid will be available, then it will release the extra fluid. People who abuse laxatives or vomit regularly are at the greatest risk for alternating between dehydration and edema."

    Any idea how long it takes your body to go back to normal from it? I'm recovering from a 12 year battle with bulimia...but it's been a good 10 months since I was purging on a regular basis.

    Congrats on the 10 months, that's great!! The above is a link to a check list for recovery. Have you had a chance to talk with a nuturionalist?

    yes...I'm still in out patient treatment and see a nutritionist once a week at my eating disorders clinic. She says I'm eating great and all.

    That's great! :flowerforyou:

    Has she added in any vitamins or supplements?
    I take a multi...and she wants me to take these digestive enzyme suppliments (to help with the indigestion) but they're too expensive for me to afford right now. :blushing: Plus the indigestion is slowly getting better...I'm able to eat more acidic foods than I used to be able to. :smile:

    That is great :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    You're incredibly strong, especially to share that with all of us. I'm glad you've been able to turn it all around. Really, when you look back, this "bloating" is just another milestone for you. You've been through some rough times, I'm sure, so this oughta be a breeze!

    Let us know how it all turns out!

    thanks. :heart:

    The bloating is really making staying in recovery difficult...b/c the scale keeps going up and I feel like I *must* be eating too much...though rationally I know I'm not...but you know... :ohwell:
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member

    You've probably done a ton of research on it, but here's a site....

    Also, it sounds kind of dangerous. I would personally seek out a second opinion.

    Thanks for the link.

    In says:

    "When you repeatedly take laxatives, diuretics or vomit, your body will adapt to being constantly dehydrated by learning to retain more fluid than usual. When you stop these behaviors and start to take a normal diet, your body may continue to retain fluids until it learns that adequate fluid will be available, then it will release the extra fluid. People who abuse laxatives or vomit regularly are at the greatest risk for alternating between dehydration and edema."

    Any idea how long it takes your body to go back to normal from it? I'm recovering from a 12 year battle with bulimia...but it's been a good 10 months since I was purging on a regular basis.

    Congrats on the 10 months, that's great!! The above is a link to a check list for recovery. Have you had a chance to talk with a nuturionalist?

    yes...I'm still in out patient treatment and see a nutritionist once a week at my eating disorders clinic. She says I'm eating great and all.

    That's great! :flowerforyou:

    Has she added in any vitamins or supplements?
    I take a multi...and she wants me to take these digestive enzyme suppliments (to help with the indigestion) but they're too expensive for me to afford right now. :blushing: Plus the indigestion is slowly getting better...I'm able to eat more acidic foods than I used to be able to. :smile:

    That is great :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    You're incredibly strong, especially to share that with all of us. I'm glad you've been able to turn it all around. Really, when you look back, this "bloating" is just another milestone for you. You've been through some rough times, I'm sure, so this oughta be a breeze!

    Let us know how it all turns out!

    thanks. :heart:

    The bloating is really making staying in recovery difficult...b/c the scale keeps going up and I feel like I *must* be eating too much...though rationally I know I'm not...but you know... :ohwell:

    Stay strong sweetie! Just take it one day at a time. We're all rooting for you!!
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