Ready for change in PA

Hello internet viewing audience

I'm in my 2nd week here at MFP. Found out two of my friends r also users, which is cool.
In the past month so much has changed for me that u couldn't fit it in a blog post, but to summarize in 7 months I will be 30. I'm sure plenty of people will say how that's not old but try to remember what was like sitting on that threshold looking at where you've been, considering where you are and wondering where you go from here.

In the not so distant past I reached my all time highest weight of 400 lbs and lost two inches of height to 5' 4". That was such a devastating blow that I decided I better hurry up and start living or I'd lose my vote. Since then I have reached my first 10% goal and weighed in this week at 355. My short term goal is try to be 300lbs for my birthday and 200lbs next Oct for my wedding. My target weight is 175 which was my lowest weight as an adult.

I've picked up some new tools to support this plan. I am using MFP and the mobile app along with MapMyWalk to help track my exercise and fitness path. I also wear a pedometer which helps encourage me to take extra steps. I'm back in the gym. I have expanded my circle of work out buddies and will be taking advantage of the trainer program at my gym. I've also started going outside to walk if I find myself feeling bored rather than vegging at the PC or TV. The reward is for a 30 min walk then I can veg fo 30 at which point I'm usually ready for bed.

So I figure its time to find out where I'm going in life by actually trying to get there.


  • ewhitis
    ewhitis Posts: 132
    WELCOME!!! I'm on my way to losing 96 more lbs. Feel free to add me as friend if you need some extra mitivation.
  • MsKittyCAT
    MsKittyCAT Posts: 217
    Glad to see you here! Once you get settled in to your new place and will be closer and going to the same gym as me I hope we can coordinate to go together. I'm also game for outdoor walks so call me when you are bored! You've made great progress so far :) xoxo