Just getting started

Hello all! I am going at this round 2.... I lost 100 lbs 5 years ago and through stress and bad choices ... turning 21..... ya.. I gained it all back plus more. SO I start this worst off then I started this 5 years ago... I went running.. more like walking and coughing most the way... and I wanted to cry and I kept thinking.. GOOD GOD! how did I let this happen>?!?!?? Im an opera singer and I am the biggest stereotype ever.... SO This is the last time I am doing this! This month is going to suck.... but I remember how I felt when I was 170 lbs.... which was a great weight for me... I loved it. but 292..... I feel worthless. BUT.... here I am... 26 years old... pre diabetes.. and I am NOT giving up! Hell no! Look out cause there is a skinny me trying to get out! Here I come!

Any tips on how to keep modivated?!?!?!? How do I keep from eating at night?! any tips on good choices to eat at night if I just break?! Water water water... i know... an orange? since its so much water?


  • pjrazon
    pjrazon Posts: 22
    Ask yourself a question

    1. do i really want to eat this?
    2. is it worth it....5 minutes satisfaction for years of hardwork

    If you crave for something, do something for 2 minutes and I guarantee you that craving will go.... :D:D:D

    Good luck :)


  • write2sonya
    write2sonya Posts: 165 Member
    Your story sound very familair t mine. Just think about what you did before when you lost the weight and get that motivation back.
    Check out the site, lots to learn and great support!
    Friend request sent....
  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    First off you are doing amazing already because you made the decision and went with it! For me that was that my biggest hurdle, to follow through with my decision. I almost a 100 lbs to lose to be a decent size or what I would like to be at. So far I've lost 7 lbs and a owe most of it to this program, My Fitness Pal, and my friends. You are more than welcome to join me on this quest of trying not to kill ourselves! lol I'm a 32 mother of 4 monsters that I adore most of the time, the rest of the time they are at school and I'm enjoying my cup of coffee. lol Anyway, having people to cheer you along is huge motivation as for me it makes me feel accountable and I want my team or friends to be proud of me when I drink those dreaded 8 glasses of water a day and dance with my Wii for 60 mins.

    I was a night eater as well but I figured out that I mostly ate at night because I was bored, so to help with that I bought a bunch of those 100 calorie packs and I force myself to only 1. Another thing that helped in the beginning was snacking all flipping day, I would eat small meals and snack on carrots, celery, light popcorn and nuts. I also drink a gallon of Green Tea that I make from tea bags and add about 1/2 a cup of honey to it for sweetness. This helps a lot with my food cravings, when I want to snack I drink 2 16 oz glasses of green tea. I love it! I hope this helps out for ya and if you have any other questions feel free to ask.

  • nmterp
    nmterp Posts: 74
    Welcome back! You can totally do this, you already did it before and it sounds like your fire has been reignited. Eating at night is hard for me too. Here's the thing, most of the time I'm eating because I'm bored. Here's some of my strategies for avoiding the dreaded night time munchies.

    1. The kitchen closes at 8 pm. No food after that.

    2. Drink a glass of water. Still hungry? Chew some low calorie gum.

    3. Personally, I put pics that I don't like up on my fridge, the pantry, on the bag of chips or whatever trigger food I have lying around. You can make this more positive and put pics of yourself at the weight you felt good at, or things that inspire you, etc. I just do better when I see things I don't like

    4. Distract yourself: workout, dance around your living room or bedroom, read a book, call a friend, read MFP success stories, etc