still discouraged...

mirgss Posts: 275 Member
Okay...i KNOW the scale lies, and I REALLY should get myself a tape measure so I can take my measurements...but I re-started my workout routine a few weeks ago and have been really trying to get out and do SOMETHING just about every day. I even ran my first 5k of the season and did it in less than 30 minutes! I was so proud.

However, I am not losing weight and I really don't think I'm losing inches. My pants still fit the same. Maybe I need to do more...last week I ran 12 or so miles for a total of 2 hrs 15 mins and 1250 cals (according to my Garmin training center thing). It's such a big change from the winter that it seems like I should be seeing results. I don't eat the best, and I do drink beer, but I *generally* stay within my calorie limit. I try to eat mostly healthy foods throughout the day, because it's difficult for me to eat super healthy at night. I've been eating a lot of tuna, whole wheat bread, and mostly staying away from sweets, chips, etc.

I know I'm not gaining muscle because a) I'm not getting any kind of DOMS from running, and b) I haven't started weight training (yet) - it's been pure cardio.

I guess I just need a little push to know that all my effort hasn't been in vain!


  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    Ummmmm...did I write this post????? Well, I certainly could have! I've been at this for over a month and my skinny jeans still don't fit. I'm a runner, too and I was 8 lbs lighter last Sept after my 2nd half marathon. I have to remember, though, that it took me a good 6 weeks for the weight to start coming off after I started running last year. I guess my body just needs that long slow burn every week for a while before it starts to cooperate. It just drives me nuts that I've been working my tail off and no weight is coming off yet.

    Well, try not to get too discouraged. Keep at it! I've decided to just ignore the scale (and the skinny jeans) for a while and keep doing what I've been doing. Surely it'll kick in at some point. Cheers!! :ohwell:
  • neuroticlin89
    neuroticlin89 Posts: 57 Member
    you should aim to eat healthily for the most part because what you eat plays a huge role in weightloss. Also, even if you are staying within your calorie limit, there are certain foods that promote weightloss and others that hinder it. I'm not saying to opt to eat only healthy foods and never indulge but it's important to gradually change most of what you eat to being healthy foods like vegetables and lean meat.

    really i'm just basing this off what i've read thus far but it makes a huge difference. i didn't change my diet entirely but after cutting out some of the major foods that had caused me to gain alot of weight, it's made a difference, so maybe if you cut out one or two things it would help. Change is gradual, we never can cold turkey. For example, i cut out soda and chicken and rice ( you know from the halal carts; if your from nyc you probably will know what i'm talking about). i used to have those a few times a week and soda way too often. after cutting out just these two things (though soda hasn't been 100% but i don't drink it as often) i've lost 5 pounds.

    Also, you have to burn more calories then you are consuming. I read somewhere to lose about one pound per week, you have to burn atleast 3500 calories per week which amounts to about 500 calories per day. Alot of times, we may overestimate how much we are actually putting into our work out, especially if it isn't consistent. We also tend to underestimate how many calories we are actually consuming. All of these things factor in. You might also want to combine cardio and strength training that involves targetting mulitiple muscle groups.

    Make working out something that is consistent. I have a huge problem with that. After losing the 5 pounds, i've been stuck on the same weight and it's because my workout has been inconsistent and while i cut out some bad foods, there are a few others that need to go. i'm going to aim for working out atleast 3times a week for 30minutes.

    Don't get discouraged. if you aren't losing weight, try to identify what your bad habits are and don't underestimate how much they might be affecting your goal to lose weight! Hope this helps! Goodluck! :)
  • neuroticlin89
    neuroticlin89 Posts: 57 Member
    *we never can go cold turkey

    there are other mistakes but this one bothers me lol
    my grammar is horrible whenever i post on blogs fb or send emails.
    sorry! aim and text lingo pervades everything :P
  • neuroticlin89
    neuroticlin89 Posts: 57 Member
    I just reread your original post. Weight training will make a huge difference. you burn more calories once you gain muscle and it ups your metabolism as well so once you start, you wont regret it! :)