Anyone else who is technically disabled?

AllsmilesMom Posts: 12 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Would love to start a thread for those of us who are disabled - sedentary or close to it. Please let me know!



  • swayzine
    swayzine Posts: 6
    I was disabled since 1987 from a car accident. I also led a sedentary lifestyle because I wasn't able to get around. I tried exercising many times but failed because of a lot of chronic pain, was in and out of my wheelchair. I've had a surgery every eight yrs from the accident. I have a neuro stimulator in my back, titanium in the cervical antertior and posterior. I was depressed from having to depend on people. and not working. I had high blood pressure, diabetes, and weighed 210 lbs. Never thought I would ever weigh that much. I had a mini stroke last May and June that changed my mind. I was healed from pain hbp, sugar, etc. My mental and physical state changed also. I don't know if you believe in God or not, but you have no the things I can do now, that I couldn't do before. One of them is exercise. I've dropped from a 20W- 18 ladies size since I was allowed to go home July 20ll. I can bend, run a little, stretch and reach, I very seldom use my wheelchair anymore. I can walk at least 3 miles. They seem like simple things, but I couldn't do any of them until after my stroke. I no longer take all the pain meds that I'd taken since my accident. I lost my leg in the accident but I'm doing so much better. Not trying to rush anything but my health is prospering. I can tell you don't give up trying. Take one day at a time. If you continue with your program, you will be happy and healthier
  • Good morning!

    I am a Disabled American Veteran - 60%... Ruined my feet, ankles, and knees in the Army (1987-1989). However, I was able to be somewhat active for about 10-15 minutes at a time until May 18, 2009 when I mis-stepped off a friend's step and popped ALL FIVE of my metatarsals out of their joints on my left foot. Two major surgerys and bone-fusions later, I can't be on my feet much at all without my foot swelling up to look like a football. I've gained 30 pounds that don't want to budge at my age without exercise. (Of course it doesn't help that I'm also a food addict, and my depression over the last 2 years has crippled me mentally).

    I'm ready to get this out in the open and talk to others about how you are dealing with the weight loss attempts without exercise. Anyone else????

    Feel free to friend me if you'd rather talk via Messaging!
  • louisa32
    louisa32 Posts: 1
    I have recently been diagnosed with Neuro Myelitis Optica. I have been on and off steroids for just over a year and have put so much weight on because of it. Unfortunately everytime I have a relapse I am given prednisolone and will put on more weight. I am desperate to lose weight and am being so careful with what I eat but unfortunately as I have very little feeling down the right hand side of my body I find exercise very difficult. I am a mum of 3 young children and feel so guilty that I am not able to run around the park with them and do normal motherly things. I have to rely on my husband to do a lot for me. I have physio every week which is hard work but I am determined to get my legs working so I don't have to rely on crutches and a wheechair to get about. It would be great to talk to other in a similar situation especially if you are succeding in losing weight with little exercise.
  • julia23
    julia23 Posts: 87
    I've suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia for 4 years, i use a wheelchair, i can't lift things like milk or open doors and cupboards (it varies), walk to the end of the road and stand for very long. I find it impossible to do any form of exercise and was wondering when i joined if there where people similar to me, great thread! Feel free to add me ! (But i do like to say i do suffer from anorexia and bulimia (apparently something that probably wouldn't of happened if i hadn't gotten ill because i would of been able to exercise etc) and i would never like to make people feel uncomfortable on my page etc so if you do add and don't like posts etc do not feel bad for deleting me!
  • starrdark
    starrdark Posts: 2 Member
    That's me - is this thread still active? I've only been here on MFP for 2 days, and already the dog biscuits are looking mighty tasty.

    I have Ehlers-Danlos Hypermobility Syndrome (EDS.) Don't worry, nobody else has heard of it either, including medicos and physical therapists. Basically, I'm loose in every joint. More than that, ALL the connective tissue. Lots of fun before about age 45. Now I'm pushing 60, and falling down isn't what it used to be.

    So, anyone have any insights on getting the pounds off when walking isn't an option, much less aerobics?
  • Hi! I'm relatively new here and am disabled myself. I've been in a wheelchair for 4 years and recently had an amputation. I gained a lot of weight from my prednisone and pringles diet. Now I'm back to eating right, but exercise is a challenge as it is slow going for me even w/a prosthetic. But, I'm am extremely glad I had the amputation it has been nothing but positive. I am hoping we can keep this thread going and help each other out. I have a garden box someone built that allows me to garden from the wheelchair, this has been wonderful because it allows me to grow some of my own veggies. I will keep reading as perhaps we can all lend advice how to help us come up with creative and fun ways to lose weight and exercise. Thanks for starting this thread!
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