on one week, off the next

I've been on here for about three weeks. The first week or two, I was good about doing everything right. Logging every day, trying to get back into some sort of exercise habit, trying to eat the right things.
Then, one day, I went on a binge - and it snowballed. I can never seem to let it stop at one day. It becomes, "well, I guess I'm off that diet for awhile" or something. I don't understand it.
I just finished logging for last week (May 9 to present) and the calorie count was HORRIBLE !!! Every day. Even the days I thought I was "doing alright"...
I don't really know what I want all of you to say. I guess I'm just venting the disappointment.
I did start again today... I know I need to keep my awareness up. Paying attention and deciding that I care is the key to every success I've had with these issues.
Just disappointed to feel like I'm starting from zero once again.


  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    That is just the reason I can't understand why some people have a cheat day.....it's nothing but trouble! I have to be careful not to fall back into my old habits!

    Good luck : )
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    I know everyone has different things that work and that don't, but I find logging my food everyday seems to help. It gives me instant feedback as to whether or not I'm staying on track. I also work night shift so I tend to guess/plan what I'm going to eat for the day before the day starts. This method is especially helpful when I know I'm going to be going out for a meal, I can plan smaller snacks and think about healthier options before I get to the restaurant. By knowing what you are going to order before you get there you can avoid looking at the menu and avoid the temptation of tastier items.

    I also think it is EXTREMELY important to remember that you are just getting started and that you may always have a bit of a struggle but overall it will get easier. Once you start eating better on a regular basis your body will crave the better stuff. It is also important to remember that you will slip up, everyone does occasionally. I slipped today and consumed almost twice as many calories as I usually do. You just have to remember that the next meal, day, week or month is a new opportunity to do better. You are not starting from zero. You have those first two weeks to be proud of and set yourself small goals. You body and mind will reject massive changes in your routine. Think on a weekly basis... this week you are going to add more fruits and veggies, next week you will cut some of the sugars/sweets, etc. There are a lot of weekly challenge threads here, like this one: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/241124-challenge-group-new-members-welcome-5-16-5-22 Each week there is a small fitness and small nutrition goal, no competition just supportive people. You can do it and we are all here to support you!
  • Christine237
    Thank you both :-)