Hard on myself!

JennBennett410 Posts: 229
edited September 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Background on me: A year ago I weighed 30 pounds more than I do now and I hadn't exercised in about 5 years! Sunday I ran my first half marathon! Me!
Before the race, my only goal was to finish. During the race, I kept thinking maybe I can finish in three hours. I wound up finishing in 2:49:27...At first I was estatic. Then the results came in. There were 1690 people in the race and I came in at 1429...and I became disappointed in myself. I know I shouldn't but I am. WHY?
Anyone care to share their times? Was this an average time? Bad time?
Thanks for any information or stories you care to share!


  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Congratulations on running a half marathon! Who cares if others came in before you? I don't run, but now you have your own time to beat.
    Keep up the fabulous work.:happy:
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Sounds like you are being way too hard upon yourself. Be satisfied that you reached not 1 but 2 goals, to run a marathon and then to finish it under a specific time. Focus on this as a motivation for your next marathon, set your completion time even lower. Keep pushing. Don't always look at how far you have to go, but look at how far you have come. Or a more selfish way of viewing it: yes people finished ahead of you, but how many finished behind you? Don't beat yourself up. Revel in the accomplishment of your goals.
  • Stacey765
    Stacey765 Posts: 86 Member
    Are you freaken kidding!!! That's amazing! You should be SO proud of yourself! You did a great job, especially if you just took up running recently! Some of those runners have been training for years! Keep in my mind the goal you wanted first, you met and exceeded that one, the second goal you also beat by 1/2 hour!! Wow!! Pat yourself on the back and give yourself some credit! You did good!
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    Don't, Don't, Don't compare yourself with others. Look at your first goal . . .to finish . . .you did!! Super big pat on the back!!

    I am amazed that DURING the race you upped the goal . . .amazing. And now you have a super awesome time to beat later on if you choose to run that far again.

    Would you seek out the people who came in behind you and make them feel badly that there were more people in front of them that finished sooner? Of course you wouldn't. So don't do that to yourself. Treat yourself at least as kindly as you would a stranger!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I haven't done a half, but no matter what your pace or where you place, that's a HUGE HUGE HUGE accomplishment, and you should be proud. :flowerforyou:

    One thing I have noticed, though, is that the longer the race, the less "normal" folks are in it. There's a higher percentage of real athletes, as opposed to folks who just love to run. I finish much higher in a 5k than I did in a 5 mile race, even though I ran at the same speed.
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    Congratulations on completing the marathon and doing it under the time you wanted!!! That is a great accomplishment!!! I ran my second 5K over the weekend and it was tough to finish...I can't imagine doing a marathon!!! Yet you did it!!!!

    I think we're always hard on ourselves...but try not to be!!! You did great!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Loribell23
    Loribell23 Posts: 66
    All I can say is that I am so proud of you!!!! Look how far you have come. You are amazing and don't forget it!
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    You just ran your first half marathon! I am still at 5ks and I am always closer to last on them. I can only hope to one day be able to do a half marathon. My last time for a 5k was like 39 min., next time, I am going to try to finish in 35. Just try to do better on the next one and you will eventually get to where you want to be. I can't even run the whole 5k, I have to run a little walk a little, so forth and so on. You are doing great, don't beat yourself up!
  • cafeteriagirl
    cafeteriagirl Posts: 267 Member
    That is great you should feel great. i could never do that! My brother in laws both ran in that race and your time was about the same as the brother in law that ran the half. He has been training for a couple years now. That is a wonderful achievement.
  • aunienue
    aunienue Posts: 416
    Are you flippin' kidding me Jenn?!?? You just ran your first half marathon...21.1km Not only that you did the training for it which isn't easy. Everyone is different...some run, some don't. Every runner is different. As you know there are so many variables involved when you run. Nerves, weather, what you ate, what you didn't eat, hydration, how tight your shoes are, if you have to pee, the list is endless.

    Don't make me come down there. You should be so proud! I am very proud of you! Hold your head tall and smile.

  • THANK You so much everyone! That is why I LOVE THIS SITE! Everyone is so supportive and gives me the reality checks when I need them!
    I am proud of myself. I keep crying when I think about it. What an amazing adventure! I CANNOT wait to do it again.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Congrats on your half! Good job.

    I do my best not to be disappointed when I don't get the time I want, or feel that I should have ran. I guess that's always been my nature. On one hand it can be seen as a driver to motivate you the next time, but you also don't want to get caught up in disappointment.
    At the point we are at just running races for fun, we have to just accept each race, have fun and move on to the next one. Trying to compare ourselves to others is just asking for trouble.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I ran a half last year and got a PR - I was ecstatic...until I looked up the official times and realized that a friend of mine, who hadn't been running for nearly as long, beat me by 4 seconds. 4 seconds!! I was so disappointed! **

    Unless you're an elite runner, there are always going to be people out there who beat you. It doesn't matter. You run against yourself. Be proud of the fact that you ran a half marathon - there are a whole lot of people out there who can't do that! You have your base time now - now you can work on getting faster.

    **This year I beat that same friend by 5 minutes:)
  • mirgss
    mirgss Posts: 275 Member
    oh my gosh...do NOT be so hard on yourself! i would love to do a half marathon - hopefully later this year :) you definitely don't need to compare yourself to other people...just finishing that race is a GREAT accomplishment!

    i just did my first 5k of the season...and i hit a PR...but i was 5/7 in my age group...but i don't care!!!

    congrats! bask in the feeling of accomplishing something great...and now set your sights on your next goal!
  • I AM GOING TO YELL AT YOU (which I can because we have know each other for so long).
    One year ago you woulndt have thought about running 2 miles much less 13 miles.
    You have motivated and inspired coutless people- including me!
    So no more of this I didn't do well enough- there is NOTHING to compare it to- you can only compare it to what you have done before- and you have NEVER done anything like this before. So don't compare apples and oranges- compare apples to apples and you only have one apple!
    I love you and you are amazing!
    I truly would not have accomplished any of this without MFP!
    Next up, Disney Half MARATHON!
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    Jenn, Was this by any chance the Marine Corps Half Marathon in Fredericksburg, VA?

    If so, you are one totally AMAZING woman. I know Fall Hill Ave and that steep uphill grade that was the last leg of the race. I get winded just DRIVING up it!

    Even if no, you finished and you beat your own time, that is awesome! I have been working on dropping weight and want to lose 20 more before I start training for races, but I hope to run and finish a 5K before the end of this year. You have inspired me to push ahead with that goal. Thank you!
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