
dgrenell Posts: 6 Member
My name is Diane and I am finally going to try and lose those pesky last ten pounds. I have a sweet tooth that seems to be my biggest hurdle to overcome. I want to do it though! I had a baby two years ago, so I can't keep using the "I just had a baby" excuse anymore. It is time to get up and get moving!


  • Kristy0728
    Kristy0728 Posts: 63
    Welcome! I am new to MFP, too. Friend me if you are looking for support! :)
  • cafeteriagirl
    cafeteriagirl Posts: 267 Member
    Welcome to mfp and good luck!! You joined a great site, everyone here is so nice and supportive. Feel free to friend me:)
  • rjgazray
    rjgazray Posts: 41 Member
    Welcome! This site is such a great tool and resource for meeting your weight-loss goals (do I sound like a commercial or what??)! It's especially awesome just having lots of friends who are going through the same thing. Good for you for committing to a change! I started on here last July and made the commitment to change my overall eating habits and to exercise. I've lost 19 pounds and am aiming for another 10. So it does work! It usually works a lot faster for people who are more aggressive in their time frame but as I said I wanted to make a gradual change that was an entire lifestyle change. I knew if I made myself change quick, it wouldn't stay. So I'm very proud of where I am.
    I hope you find awesome success and find this site helpful! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • GoneWithTheWhinge
    GoneWithTheWhinge Posts: 168 Member
    Hi and welcome.

    Great site, so useful to keep on track. Can hugely recommend the app if you can, is very handy to make note of those little things that can get forgotten about when you're away from the computer!
  • Shine004
    Shine004 Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome. I am pretty new to. Today is day eighteen on my journey. This has been a very useful tool to help me stay on track. I believe this is probably the longest I have been on track. Feel free to freind me if you would like. Good luck on your Journey. I know it can be done.